Fredrik Svahn
Visar 17 publikationer
Resource Transformation in Platform Envelopment
Managing technological change in the digital age: the role of architectural frames
Capability Search and Redeem Across Digital Ecosystems
Digital Product Innovation: Building Generative Capability through Architectural Frames
The Dual Regimes of Digital Innovation Management
Digital Product Innovation: Building Generative Capability through Architectural Frames
Transforming Ecosystem Relationships in Digital Innovation
The Sociomateriality of Competing Technological Regimes in Digital Innovation
Path Creation in Digital Innovation: A Multi-Layered Dialectics Perspective
Situated Knowledge in Context-Aware Computing: A Sequential Multimethod Study of In-Car Navigation
The Sociomateriality of Competing Technological Regimes in Digital Innovation
Reconfiguring Modularity: Closing Capability Gaps in Digital Innovation
A novel method for producing electron transparent films of interfaces between cells and biomaterials
Characterization of the tissue-ceramic interface in vivo using new preparation and analytical tools
In-car navigation usage: An end-user survey on existing systems
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