Sven Bengtsson
Visar 22 publikationer
Thermal Stability In Al-Mn-Cr-Zr Based Aluminium Alloys Tailored For Powder Bed Fusion - Laser Beam
Effect of powder variability on laser powder bed fusion processing and properties of 316L
Processability & Microstructure of Fe-C System via L-PBF
Factors Affecting Printability of 316L Powders Using the DMLS Process
Microstructure of High Cr-Alloyed Sintered Steel – Prediction and Analysis
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Surface Analysis of High Chromium Alloyed Steel Powder
Sintered Steels Prealloyed with Manganese – Chances and Risks
Sintered Steels Alloyed with Manganese: Effect of Alloying Mode
Surface Analysis of Prealloyed Steel Powders: Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects
Development and manufacture of brazed sintered part for wear resistant application
Surface Analysis of Prealloyed with Manganese Steel Powder
An application of universal hardness test to metal powder
Microstructure Development during Sintering of Manganese Alloyed PM Steels
Simulation of Mechanical Properties of Chromium Alloyed Sintered Steel
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