Swantje Bargmann
Visar 19 publikationer
An extended crystal plasticity model for latent hardening in polycrystals
Influence of grain boundary conditions on modeling of size-dependence in polycrystals
Computational mechanics-based modeling of size-dependent hardening
Modeling of polycrystals with gradient crystal plasticity: A comparison of strategies
Computational modeling of gradient hardening in polycrystals
Material Forces in Non-Classical Thermo-Hyperelasticity
Gradient crystal plasticity approaches for computational modeling of
Gradient crystal plasticity – theoretical and computational aspects
gradient theories of large deformation anisotropic plasticity
On the modelling of gradient hardening in crystal (visco)plasticity
Computational modelling of inelastic polycrystals with internal lengthscales
Towards computational modeling of grain size dependence in microstructure models of polycrystals
Modeling and simulation of first and second sound in solids.
Towards computational modelling of grain size dependence in microstructure models of polycrystals
On configurational forces within Green–Naghdi thermo-hyperelasticity
On the wave speed in Green-Naghdi heat conduction.
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