Daniel Tafoya
Fokus för hans forskning är studiet av cirkumstellära höljen kring stjärnor som närmar sig slutet av sin livstid, så kallade långt utvecklade stjärnor. Målet är att förstå hur stjärnor, som vår egen sol, uppför sig mot slutet av sin existens. För att genomföra sina undersökningar använder han radioteleskop, t.ex. APEX, ALMA och JVLA. Delar av hans arbete ägnas också åt stödaktiviteter inom den nordiska ”ALMA Regional Center”-noden.
Visar 65 publikationer
Optical tomography of the born-again ejecta of A 58
Non-thermal radio emission in Sakurai's Object
Uncovering the structure and kinematics of the ionized core of M 2-9 with ALMA
Probing the dynamical and kinematical structures of detached shells around AGB stars
Exploring the Ionized Core of the Proto-Planetary Nebula CRL 618 and Its Vicinity with ALMA
The <sup>17</sup>O/<sup>18</sup>O Ratio of Post-AGB Sources: Canonical and Non-Canonical Populations
Collision of molecular outflows in the L1448-C system
Evidence for a gamma-ray molecular target in the enigmatic PeVatron candidate LHAASO J2108+5157
Evolution of the Outflow in the Water Fountain Source IRAS 18043-2116
The heart of Sakurai's object revealed by ALMA
Isolated Massive Star Formation in G28.20-0.05
Water Fountain Sources Monitored in FLASHING
Observational identification of a sample of likely recent common-envelope events
Discovery of SiO Masers in the "Water Fountain" Source IRAS 16552-3050
Common envelope evolution in born-again planetary nebulae - Shaping the H-deficient ejecta of A 30
Evolution of the outflow traced by water masers in the evolved star IRAS 18043 - 2116
Is there a sub-parsec-scale jet base in the nearby dwarf galaxy NGC 4395?
Discovery of SiO masers in the Water Fountain source, IRAS 16552-3050
First Images of the Molecular Gas around a Born-again Star Revealed by ALMA
Water and silicon-monoxide masers monitored towards the water fountain sources
Heavy-element Rydberg transition line emission from the post-giant-evolution star HD 101584
Maser emission from the CO envelope of the asymptotic giant branch star W Hydrae
VLTI/PIONIER reveals the close environment of the evolved system HD 101584
FLASHING: New high-velocity H2O masers in IRAS 18286−0959
Ultracompact HII regions with extended emission: The complete view
Shaping the Envelope of the Asymptotic Giant Branch Star W43A with a Collimated Fast Jet
A rotating fast bipolar wind and disk system around the B[e]-type star MWC 922
First detection of methanol towards a post-AGB object, HD 101584
Deep into the Water Fountains: The case of IRAS 18043 - 2116
Bow shocks in water fountain jets
The shock-heated atmosphere of an asymptotic giant branch star resolved by ALMA
Limits to the magnetic field in the planetary nebula NGC 246 from faraday rotation
(Sub)millimeter emission lines of molecules in born-again stars
Submillimeter H<inf>2</inf>O maser emission from water fountain nebulae
A detailed study toward the Water fountain IRAS 15445-5449
Submillimeter H2O masers in water-fountain nebulae
CRL 618: A Nascent Planetary Nebula
The first synchrotron jet resolved towards a post-AGB star
Rapid angular expansion of the ionized core of CRL 618
A synchrotron jet from a post-asymptotic giant branch star
Multipolar Planetary Nebulae: Not As Geometrically Diversified As Thought
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