Tiina Männistö-Funk
Visar 14 publikationer
The gender of walking: Female pedestrians in street photographs 1890-1989
Introduction: Historical perspectives on pedestrians and the city
Recovering sustainable mobility practices: A visual history of Turku’s streetscape 1950-1980
Introduction: The historical production of the invisible and visible bicycles
Invisible Bicycle: Parallel histories and different timelines
Kadun kuvat: Valokuvat lähteinä kaupunkihistorian tutkimuksessa
Voices from the uncanny valley: How robots and artificial intelligences talk back to us.
Kävelevien naisten kaupunki: Sata vuotta sukupuolta Turun kaduilla
Joy machines and machine joy: A technological and cultural history of technologized play
Claiming the Bicycle: Women, Rhetoric, and Technology in Nineteenth-Century America
Pieces of Music as Memory Capsules
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