Tobias Lindström
Visar 24 publikationer
Spin-Echo Silencing Using a Current-Biased Frequency-Tunable Resonator
Electronic confinement of surface states in a topological insulator nanowire
Pulsed electron spin resonance of an organic microcrystal by dispersive readout
Near-Field Scanning Microwave Microscopy in the Single Photon Regime
Suppression of low-frequency charge noise in superconducting resonators by surface spin desorption
Direct Identification of Dilute Surface Spins on Al2 O3: Origin of Flux Noise in Quantum Circuits
PC2: Identifying noise processes in superconducting resonators
Energy level quantization in a YBa2Cu3O7-x Josephson junction
Classical resonant activation of a Josephson junction embedded in an LC-circuit
YBCOSQUIDs with unconventional current phase relation
Dynamics of a LC shunted YBa2Cu3O7-x Josephson junction
Quantum properties of d-wave YBa2Cu3O7-δ Josephson junction
Macroscopic Quantum Phenomena in High Critical Temperature Superconducting Josephson Junctions
Josephson dynamics of bicrystal d-wave YBa2Cu3O7δ dc-SQUIDs
Quantum dynamics of a d-wave Josephson junction
Silent Phase Qubit Based on d-wave Josephson junctions
Magnesium diboride nanobridges fabricated by electron-beam lithography
Dynamics of high-angle grain boundary YBCO Josephson junctions
Dynamical Effects of an Unconventional Current-Phase Relation in YBCO dc-SQUIDs
Mesoscopic Josephson Junctions of high-Tc Superconductors
Feasability Studies of ultra-small Josephson junctions for qubits
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