Peter Torstensson
Visar 45 publikationer
A case study of railway curve squeal radiated from both the outer and inner wheel
Survey of Curve Squeal Occurrence for an Entire Metro System
Lateral Track Buckling in Sweden: Insights from Operators and Infrastructure Managers
Evaluating the mix of maintenance activities on railway crossings with respect to life-cycle costs
Transient Modelling of Curve Squeal Considering Varying Contact Conditions
Rail Acceleration Induced by Train Pass-by—Field Measurements and Validation of a Simulation Model
Hybrid model for prediction of impact noise generated at railway crossings
Investigation of railway curve squeal using a combination of frequency- and time-domain models
Switch panel design based on simulation of accumulated rail damage in a railway turnout
Curve squeal of rail vehicles: Linear stability analysis and non-linear time-domain simulation
Investigation of railway curve squeal using a combination of frequency- and time-domain models
Hybrid model for prediction of impact noise generated at railway crossings
Numerical prediction of rail corrugation growth on curves
Rail corrugation growth on curves - measurements, modelling and mitigation
The influence of rail surface irregularities on contact forces and local stresses
Switch panel design based on simulation of accumulated rail damage in a railway turnout
Towards a model for prediction of railway tread brake noise
Rail corrugation growth on curves - measurements, modelling and mitigation
Simulering av dynamisk tåg-spår interaktion i snäva kurvor
Simulation of dynamic vehicle-track interaction on small radius curves
Rolling contact fatigue prediction for rails and comparisons with test rig results
Monitoring of rail corrugation growth due to irregular wear on a railway metro curve
Monitoring of rail corrugation growth due to irregular wear on a railway metro curve
Monitoring of rail corrugation growth due to irregular wear on a railway metro curve
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