Ziling Zeng
Visar 20 publikationer
Joint optimization of electric bus charging and energy storage system scheduling
En-route charge scheduling for an electric bus network: Stochasticity and real-world practice
What's next for battery-electric bus charging systems
Trip energy consumption estimation for electric buses
Optimal charging plan for electric bus considering time-of-day electricity tariff
Limitations and suggestions of electric transit charge scheduling
On the role of battery degradation in en-route charge scheduling for an electric bus system
Emergency Vehicle Routing in Urban Road Networks with Multistakeholder Cooperation
On the Role of Battery Capacity Fading Mechanism in the Lifecycle Cost of Electric Bus Fleet
Solving school bus routing problem with mixed-load allowance for multiple schools
Accessing the Influences of Weather and Environment Factors on Traffic Speed of Freeway
Modelling the Relationships Between Headway and Speed in Saturation Flow of Signalised Intersections
Existing and Future Investigation of Charging Technology for Electric Bus
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
ERGODIC: Kombinerade person- och godstransporter i förortstrafik
Accelerating transport electrification by machine learning