Designing collaborative robot workstations for human-centred automation in final assembly - A task allocation approach
Doktorsavhandling, 2023

With the rise of increasingly intricate products, human operators are stretched thin by greater physical and cognitive demands. A growing necessity has also arisen for automation to assist these operators supportively and productively while maintaining optimal efficiency. One solution to this problem is the integration of collaborative robots; specifically, the use of task allocation to correctly apply collaborative robots in the design process.

Thus, this thesis aims to enable task allocation in designing human-centred automation by using collaborative robot workstations in final assembly. This aim is achieved through theoretical and empirical research and a mixture of different research methods, such as qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods research.

This thesis focuses on collaborative robots in manufacturing and final assembly. It analyses the current and intended use of these robots in final assembly and explores how task allocation can help develop collaborative robot workstations that support human-centred automation.

Through theoretical research, the thesis finds that collaborative robot applications are highly useful in manufacturing and final assembly and can easily be combined with other human-centred automation technologies. However, the thesis also highlights the fact that in complex assembly processes, there is negligible collaboration between humans and robots. The empirical research presented in this thesis finds that companies recognise the potential benefits of using these robots to tackle human operators’ challenges. However, for human-robot collaboration to be successful, the collaboration must be based on the capabilities of humans and robots. This can be achieved using task allocation.

This thesis uses task allocation based on levels of automation (LoA). This thesis proposes a new LoA that can serve as a helpful tool for production designers to create collaborative robot workstations. This approach enables production designers to obtain valuable insights on effectively distributing tasks between robots and humans. By doing so, they can determine the level of collaboration required and the necessary skills from the human operators required to accomplish a particular task.

human-robot collaboration

collaborative robots

task allocation

human-centred automation

levels of automation

Virtual Development Laboratory (VDL), Chalmers Tvärgata 4C, Gothenburg
Opponent: Professor Kerstin Johansen Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden


Omkar Salunkhe

Chalmers, Industri- och materialvetenskap, Produktionssystem

Specifying task allocation in automotive wire harness assembly stations for Human-Robot Collaboration

Computers and Industrial Engineering,;Vol. 184(2023)

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Bridging the Hype Cycle of Collaborative Robot Applications

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology,;Vol. 689 AICT(2023)p. 678-690

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International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management,;Vol. 13(2022)p. 38-48

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Framework for Identifying Gripper Requirements for Collaborative Robot Applications in Manufacturing

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology,;Vol. 591 IFIP(2020)p. 655-662

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IFAC-PapersOnLine,;Vol. 52(2019)p. 1632-1637

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With the rise of increasingly intricate products, human operators are stretched thin by greater physical and cognitive demands. A growing necessity has also arisen for automation to assist these operators supportively and productively while maintaining optimal efficiency. One solution to this problem is the integration of collaborative robots, specifically, using task allocation to apply collaborative robots in the design process correctly. This thesis uses a task allocation approach to design collaborative robot workstations.

This thesis addresses two questions: 1. how humans and robots collaborate in manufacturing and final assembly operations, and 2. how human-centred task allocation supports the design of collaborative robot workstations in final assembly. The first part addresses how collaborative robots are being used in manufacturing and assembly operations and what needs to be done to improve their adaptation in a way that increases human-centred automation where human operators are actively working with the robots. The second part addresses the design process of human-robot collaborative workstations using levels of automation and task allocation approach.

Findings reveal that there is great interest from industry to use collaborative robots. Some companies use them today, but mainly as a low-cost automation solution. The active collaboration between humans and robots is almost negligible. To achieve the full potential of collaborative robots, active collaboration needs to be improved, which is mainly lacking due to a lack of clarity on achieving human-robot collaboration. With the use of task location and levels of automation, the issue of the need for more clarity can be solved. This presents a new level of automation matrix specifically developed for collaborative robot applications that use the physical and cognitive skills of both humans and robots. This new matrix is exemplified using a wire harness assembly process, where cognitive and physical levels of automation are allocated to different tasks during hierarchical task analysis.

The industry is showing a great interest in implementing collaborative robot applications, and this thesis shows it. As the development of collaborative robots continues, research efforts are generating new concepts for their integration. It is evident that robots working alongside humans have the potential to revolutionize final assembly. Nonetheless, for a successful integration, it is vital to consider both human and technological factors. This thesis serves as a starting point towards that direction.

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Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5414



Virtual Development Laboratory (VDL), Chalmers Tvärgata 4C, Gothenburg

Opponent: Professor Kerstin Johansen Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden

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