Omkar Salunkhe

Visar 20 publikationer
Immersive Human-Robot Collaboration in Restricted or Confined Spaces
A systematic literature review of computer vision applications in robotized wire harness assembly
Bridging the Hype Cycle of Collaborative Robot Applications
Industry 4.0 enabling technologies for increasing operational flexibility in final assembly
Increasing operational flexibility using Industry 4.0 enabling technologies in final assembly
Framework for Identifying Gripper Requirements for Collaborative Robot Applications in Manufacturing
Gripper types and components in robotic bin picking
Assembly 4.0: Wheel Hub Nut Assembly Using a Cobot
Conceptualising Assembly 4.0 through the Drone Factory
Effects of Information Content in Work Instructions for Operator Performance
Design concept towards a human-centered learning factory
IoT at Stena Industrial Innovation Lab
Cyber-Physical Production Testbed: Literature Review and Concept Development
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Visar 9 forskningsprojekt
Code Agents: AI-drivna end-to-end-lösningar för flexibel tillverkning
PLENary multi-User developMent arena for industrial workspaces (PLENUM)
EWASS Empowering Human Workers for Assembly of Wire Harnesses
Digitala arbetsinstruktioner för kognitivt arbete - DIGITALIS
A Pan‐European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production (DIH2)
Stena Industry Innovation Lab at Chalmers - SII-Lab
Demonstration- och testbädd inom smart digitalisering för automation med människan i centrum
DAIMP - Dataanalys inom underhållsplanering