Autoencoders for Physical-Layer Communications: Approaches and Applications
Doktorsavhandling, 2023
In this thesis, we study different aspects of using machine learning for physical-layer communications, spanning wireless and optical communication in terms of applications, and unsupervised, supervised, and reinforcement learning in terms of methodologies. The main contributions of this thesis are listed as follows.
Firstly, to overcome the challenge that standard end-to-end autoencoder learning requires a differentiable channel model for gradient-based transmitter optimization, Paper A and Paper B explore reinforcement learning-based transmitter optimization. In Paper A, considering that reinforcement learning-based training necessitates sending a feedback signal from the receiver to the transmitter, we propose a novel method for the feedback signal quantization. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed quantization scheme facilitates effective transmitter learning with limited feedback. In Paper B, reinforcement learning is applied to mitigate transmitter hardware impairments. A novel digital predistorter based on neural networks is introduced and trained in a back-to-back optical fiber transmission experiment. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed digital predistorter effectively mitigates transmitter impairments, outperforming commonly used baseline schemes.
Secondly, Paper C and Paper D focus on supervised learning, with an emphasis on improving the interpretability of end-to-end autoencoder learning-based communication systems. In Paper C, a novel model-based autoencoder is proposed for nonlinear systems. By decomposing the autoencoder-based transceivers into concatenations of smaller neural networks, the proposed method allows for the visualization of each learned functional block, improving the interpretability of the learned transmission scheme. Paper D interprets the learned solution from a different perspective by carefully selecting baseline schemes. We demonstrate that, for the linear systems considered in Paper D, machine learning methods do not significantly outperform conventional model-based approaches. Instead, they learn invertible transformations of these model-based solutions.
Lastly, Paper E focuses on unsupervised learning, addressing the problem of blind channel equalization for both linear and non-linear channels. By introducing a constraint to the latent representation of a standard autoencoder, a novel autoencoder-based blind equalizer is formulated. Simulation results demonstrate that, for both linear and nonlinear channels, the proposed equalizer can achieve similar performance as conventional data-aided equalizers while outperforming state-of-the-art blind methods.
machine learning
hardware impairments
digital signal processing
neural networks
physical-layer communications
Jinxiang Song
Chalmers, Elektroteknik, Kommunikation, Antenner och Optiska Nätverk
Learning Physical-Layer Communication with Quantized Feedback
IEEE Transactions on Communications,;Vol. 68(2020)p. 645-653
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Over-the-fiber Digital Predistortion Using Reinforcement Learning
2021 European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2021,;(2021)
Paper i proceeding
Model-Based End-to-End Learning for WDM Systems With Transceiver Hardware Impairments
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics,;Vol. 28(2022)
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Benchmarking and Interpreting End-to-end Learning of MIMO and Multi-User Communication
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,;Vol. 21(2022)p. 7287-7298
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift
Jinxiang Song, Vincent Lauinger, Yibo Wu, Christian Häger, Jochen. Schröder, Alexandre Greaell i Amat, Laurent Schmalen, and Henk Wymeersch, Blind channel equalization using latent space constrained autoencoders
Nevertheless, as our reliance on digital communication grows, its complexity also increases. The intricacies involved in ensuring real-time data transmission, handling massive volumes of information, and maintaining security standards have made the design of communication systems increasingly complicated. While traditional methods have proven effective, they are now nearing their limits, highlighting the pressing need for innovative strategies in future communication system design.
In recent years, the rapid growth in data availability, paired with advances in computational power, has elevated machine learning to a pivotal force across various industries. At its core, machine learning empowers systems to learn from data, identify patterns, and make decisions autonomously, without the need for explicit programming. This adaptability and ability to evolve with data make it a valuable tool for designing next-generation communication systems. This thesis is concerned with investigating the potential of using machine learning techniques in communication system design. Our research suggests that machine learning facilitates the formulation of effective communication schemes, even in the absence of a priori knowledge about communication-theoretic principles. Additionally, the insights derived from machine learning models can guide the development of next-generation communication schemes, paving the way for even faster and more reliable digital interactions.
Frigöra full fiberoptisk kapacitet
Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse (KAW 2018.0090), 2019-07-01 -- 2024-06-30.
Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)
Sannolikhetsteori och statistik
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5443
Room EF, 6th floor, Hörsalvägen 11
Opponent: Prof. Stephan ten Brink, Institute of Telecommunications, University of Stuttgart, Germany