Exploring Swedish pea varieties suitable for protein isolation, focusing on antinutrients and off-flavors
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2024

Six different pea (Pisum sativum) varieties and their proteins isolated via wet fractionation were screened to find varieties with outstanding protein functionality but minimum contents of antinutrients and off-flavor volatiles. A broad difference in emulsion activity (44.7–74.2 m2/g) and foaming capacity (163–210%) were detected between the varieties. Pea variety significantly affected LOX activity of the sample, yielding outstanding decreases (1.6–28.6 times) for all varieties following protein isolation. Variety Eso had the highest hexanal increase ratio (820 times) while variety Balder had the lowest (32 times) after the protein isolation. The total concentration of volatile off-flavors, phytate, and saponin increased during the protein isolation with distinctive degrees for each variety. The content of the antinutrients in the proteins was substantially affected by the variety. Altogether, purpose-specific selection of pea varieties based on their desired potential could enable pea proteins with fewer antinutrients and off-flavors.

Beany flavor

Volatile off-flavors

Pea protein


Pea varieties


Büsra Gültekin Subasi

Chalmers, Life sciences, Livsmedelsvetenskap

Bita Forghani Targhi

Mycorena AB

Chalmers, Life sciences, Livsmedelsvetenskap

Mehdi Abdollahi

Chalmers, Life sciences, Livsmedelsvetenskap

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis

0889-1575 (ISSN) 1096-0481 (eISSN)

Vol. 128 105988

Mot en holistisk och hållbar svensk värdekedja för ärtbioraffinaderi (100% ärt)

VINNOVA (2021-03566), 2021-11-08 -- 2023-10-31.





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