Voyage Optimization Algorithm for Intelligent Shipping – Considering Energy Efficiency and Collision Avoidance
Doktorsavhandling, 2025
To achieve the overall objectives, this thesis first conducts a systematical literature review to help researchers and practitioners clearly understand weather routing and identify opportunities in current research for the development of its optimization algorithms. Based on the review, this thesis proposes two innovative approaches to achieve energy-efficient weather routing, an Isochrone-based predictive optimization algorithm (IPO) and a learning-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (L-MOEA). They can effectively minimize fuel consumption and optimize energy efficiency, with the aid of emerging machine learning (ML) techniques. In addition, IPO can be conducted in real-time to address uncertainties in weather routing while considering arrival time, and L-MOEA can consider the essential operational uncertainty due to weather forecast. Furthermore, to ensure reliable operations in practice, this thesis investigates the uncertainty of fuel consumption caused by Specific Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC) in ship performance models, and the impact of this uncertainty on weather routing. Finally, this thesis extends the research outcome on Isochrone-based algorithms to assist shipping in confined waterways. It seeks to achieve real-time voyage optimization for collision avoidance problems while considering the arrival time, assist on-time transport, and ensure ship operational safety.
It can be concluded that the proposed IPO method can achieve an average of 5% energy savings for weather routing, comparable with L-MOEA. It has also been found that the uncertainty due to ship energy performance models should be carefully considered in decision-making to ensure reliable voyage planning. In addition, the proposed IPO-based collision avoidance algorithm can effectively optimize the voyage in real-time to ensure a ship’s operational safety and on-time arrival, complying with COLREGs in both confined waterways and open waters.
Collision avoidance
energy efficiency
weather routing
voyage optimization
machine learning
Isochrone algorithm
estimated time of arrival (ETA)
Yuhan Chen
Chalmers, Mekanik och maritima vetenskaper, Marin teknik
State-of-the-art optimization algorithms in weather routing — ship decision support systems: challenge, taxonomy, and review.
Strategies to improve the isochrone algorithm for ship voyage optimisation
Ships and Offshore Structures,;Vol. 19(2024)p. 2137-2149
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An Isochrone-Based Predictive Optimization for Efficient Ship Voyage Planning and Execution
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,;Vol. 25(2024)p. 18078-18092
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Learning-based Pareto-optimum routing of ships incorporating uncertain meteorological and oceanographic forecasts
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review,;Vol. 192(2024)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift
A machine learning method to model stochastic SFOC induced fuel consumption for ship voyage optimization.
Isochrone-based real-time ship collision avoidance complying with COLREGs in confined waterways.
In this thesis, voyage optimization algorithms are investigated and developed to achieve intelligent and sustainable maritime transportation, with a focus on improving energy efficiency in weather routing and ensuring ship safety in collision avoidance. The proposed algorithm generates practical voyage plans, achieving an average 5% fuel reduction across various sailing conditions. Its runtime averages 20 seconds, including ship performance predictions, making it suitable for real-time applications. Additionally, uncertainties in weather and fuel consumption are analyzed to enhance the reliability of voyage optimization. The study also explores real-time collision avoidance, incorporating terrain adaptability and regulatory compliance to recommend optimized voyages that ensure both short-distance sailing and ship safety.
AUTOBarge - European training and research network on Autonomous Barges for Smart Inland Shipping
Europeiska kommissionen (EU) (EC/H2020/955768), 2021-10-01 -- 2025-09-30.
Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2025)
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5623
Lecture Hall HA2, Hörsalsvägen 4
Opponent: Jin Wang. Professor of Marine Technology, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom.