A unique metabolic gene cluster regulates lactose and galactose metabolism in the yeast Candida intermedia
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2024

Lactose assimilation is a relatively rare trait in yeasts, and Kluyveromyces yeast species have long served as model organisms for studying lactose metabolism. Meanwhile, the metabolic strategies of most other lactose-assimilating yeasts remain unknown. In this work, we have elucidated the genetic determinants of the superior lactose-growing yeast Candida intermedia. Through genomic and transcriptomic analyses, we identified three interdependent gene clusters responsible for the metabolism of lactose and its hydrolysis product galactose: the conserved LAC cluster (LAC12, LAC4) for lactose uptake and hydrolysis, the conserved GAL cluster (GAL1, GAL7, and GAL10) for galactose catabolism through the Leloir pathway, and a “GALLAC” cluster containing the transcriptional activator gene LAC9, second copies of GAL1 and GAL10, and a XYL1 gene encoding an aldose reductase involved in carbon overflow metabolism. Bioinformatic analysis suggests that the GALLAC cluster is unique to C. intermedia and has evolved through gene duplication and divergence, and deletion mutant phenotyping proved that the cluster is indispensable for C. intermedia’s growth on lactose and galactose. We also show that the regulatory network in C. intermedia, governed by Lac9 and Gal1 from the GALLAC cluster, differs significantly from the galactose and lactose regulons in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeKluyveromyces lactis, and Candida albicans. Moreover, although lactose and galactose metabolism are closely linked in C. intermedia, our results also point to important regulatory differences.

transcriptional regulation

galactose regulatory system

non-conventional yeast


cheese whey



Kameshwara Venkata Ramana Peri

Chalmers, Life sciences, Industriell bioteknik

Le Yuan

Chalmers, Life sciences, Systembiologi

Fábio Luis Da Silva Faria Oliveira

Chalmers, Biologi och bioteknik

Karl Persson

Chalmers, Life sciences, Industriell bioteknik

Hanna D H Alalam

Chalmers, Life sciences, Industriell bioteknik

Lisbeth Olsson

Chalmers, Life sciences, Industriell bioteknik

Johan Larsbrink

Chalmers, Life sciences, Industriell bioteknik

Eduard Kerkhoven

Chalmers, Life sciences, Systembiologi

Cecilia Geijer

Chalmers, Life sciences, Industriell bioteknik

Applied and Environmental Microbiology

0099-2240 (ISSN) 1098-5336 (eISSN)



Bioinformatik och systembiologi




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