Santiago Arellano

Head of Unit at Geoscience and Remote Sensing

Santiago Arellano study the physics of the atmosphere and volcanic eruptions using spectroscopic remote sensing. This includes developing instruments, using them in the field, and analyzing data to reveal the emission of different molecules to air and understand how this relates to underlying geophysical processes. In his work he collaborates with multidisciplinary research groups and their work helps people to take informed decisions about volcanic or other environmental risks. Santiago is in charge of instrumentation and data analysis for the global NOVAC collaboration and teaches courses on physics, mathematics and environmental science.

Image of Santiago Arellano

Showing 67 publications


SO<inf>2</inf> emission rates and incorporation into the air pollution dispersion forecast during the 2021 eruption of Fagradalsfjall, Iceland

M. A. Pfeffer, Santiago Arellano, S. Barsotti et al
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. Vol. 449
Journal article

Excess degassing drives long-term volcanic unrest at Nevado del Ruiz

J. Lages, Z. Chacón, Julian Ramirez et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 14 (1)
Journal article

Observed in-plume gaseous elemental mercury depletion suggests significant mercury scavenging by volcanic aerosols

Alkuin M. Koenig, Olivier Magand, Clemence Rose et al
Environmental Science: Atmospheres. Vol. 3 (10), p. 1418-1438
Journal article

Editorial: Remote sensing of volcanic gas emissions from the ground, air, and space

Christoph Kern, Santiago Arellano, Robin Campion et al
Frontiers in Earth Science. Vol. 11
Other text in scientific journal

Lava Volume from Remote Sensing Data: Comparisons with Reverse Petrological Approaches for Two Types of Effusive Eruption

Pauline Verdurme, Simon Carn, Andrew J.L. Harris et al
Remote Sensing. Vol. 14 (2)
Journal article

Linking ground-based data and satellite monitoring to understand the last two decades of eruptive activity at Sangay volcano, Ecuador

Freddie Vásconez, Silvana Hidalgo, Jean Battaglia et al
Bulletin of Volcanology. Vol. 84 (5)
Journal article

Wind Speed as a Dominant Source of Periodicities in Reported Emission Rates of Volcanic SO<inf>2</inf>

Charlotte Barrington, B. Taisne, Fidel Costa et al
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. Vol. 127 (12)
Journal article

A multi-purpose, multi-rotor drone system for long-range and high-altitude volcanic gas plume measurements

Bo Galle, Santiago Arellano, N. Bobrowski et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 14 (6), p. 4255-4277
Journal article

Volcano Crisis Management at Piton de la Fournaise (La Reunion) during the COVID-19 Lockdown

Aline Peltier, Valerie Ferrazzini, Andrea Di Muro et al
Seismological Research Letters. Vol. 92 (1), p. 38-52
Journal article

Evidences of Plug Pressurization Enhancing Magma Fragmentation During the September 2016 Basaltic Eruption at Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion Island, France)

Simon Thivet, L. Gurioli, A. Di Muro et al
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Vol. 21 (2)
Journal article

Aerial strategies advance volcanic gas measurements at inaccessible, strongly degassing volcanoes

E. J. Liu, A. Aiuppa, A. Alan et al
Science advances. Vol. 6 (44)
Journal article

Global monitoring of volcanic SO2 degassing with unprecedented resolution from TROPOMI onboard Sentinel-5 Precursor

N. Theys, P. Hedelt, I. De Smedt et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 9 (1)
Journal article

The emissions of CO2 and other volatiles from the world's subaerial volcanoes

Tobias P. Fischer, Santiago Arellano, Simon Carn et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 9 (1)
Journal article

Mechanisms of Unrest and Eruption at Persistently Restless Volcanoes: Insights From the 2015 Eruption of Telica Volcano, Nicaragua

Diana Roman, Peter LaFemina, Rebecca Bussard et al
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Vol. 20 (8), p. 4162-4183
Journal article

On the link between Earth tides and volcanic degassing

Florian Dinger, Stefan Bredemeyer, Santiago Arellano et al
Solid Earth. Vol. 10 (3), p. 725-740
Journal article

Variation of the BrO/SO2 molar ratio in the plume of Tungurahua volcano between 2007 and 2017 and its relationship to volcanic activity

S. Warnach, N. Bobrowski, Silvana Hidalgo et al
Frontiers in Earth Science. Vol. 7
Journal article

Autopsy of an eruptive phase of Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador) through coupling of seismo-acoustic and SO 2 recordings with ash characteristics

Jean Battaglia, Silvana Hidalgo, Benjamin Bernard et al
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Vol. 511, p. 223-232
Journal article

Volcanic Gas Emissions Along the Colombian Arc Segment of the Northern Volcanic Zone (CAS-NVZ): Implications for volcano monitoring and volatile budget of the Andean Volcanic Belt

J. Lages, Z. Chacon, V Burbano et al
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Vol. 20 (11), p. 5057-5081
Journal article

Periodicity in the BrO/SO2 molar ratios in the volcanic gas plume of Cotopaxi and its correlation with the Earth tides during the eruption in 2015

Florian Dinger, Nicole Bobrowski, Simon Warnach et al
Solid Earth. Vol. 9 (2), p. 247-266
Journal article

Evolution of the 2015 Cotopaxi Eruption Revealed by Combined Geochemical & Seismic Observations

Silvana Hidalgo, Jean Battaglia, Santiago Arellano et al
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Vol. 19 (7), p. 2087-2108
Journal article

Ground-Based measurements of the 2014-2015 holuhraun volcanic cloud (Iceland)

M. A. Pfeffer, Baldur Bergsson, S. Barsotti et al
Geosciences (Switzerland). Vol. 8 (1)
Journal article

Tracking formation of a lava lake from ground and space: Masaya volcano (Nicaragua), 2015-2017

Sandro Aiuppa, Martin de Moor, Santiago Arellano et al
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Vol. 19 (2), p. 496-515
Journal article

Report on volcanic plume measurements on volcanoes in Papua New Guinea

Santiago Arellano, Bo Galle, Kila Mulina et al

First results of the Piton de la Fournaise STRAP 2015 experiment: multidisciplinary tracking of a volcanic gas and aerosol plume

Pierre Tulet, A. Di Muro, Aurélie Colomb et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 17 (8), p. 5355-5378
Journal article

Extended SO2 outgassing from the 2014–2015 Holuhraun lava flow field, Iceland

Isla Simmons, M. A. Pfeffer, Eliza Calder et al
Bulletin of Volcanology. Vol. 79 (11)
Journal article

Effusive crises at Piton de la Fournaise 2014–2015: a review of a multi-national response model

A. J L Harris, N. Villeneuve, A. Di Muro et al
Journal of Applied Volcanology. Vol. 6 (1)
Review article

Plume composition and volatile flux of Nyamulagira volcano, Democratic Republic of Congo, during birth and evolution of the lava lake, 2014–2015

N. Bobrowski, G. B. Giuffrida, Santiago Arellano et al
Bulletin of Volcanology. Vol. 79 (12), p. 90-
Journal article

Long-term monitoring of SO2 quiescent degassing from Nyiragongo’s lava lake

Santiago Arellano, Mathiew Yalire, Bo Galle et al
Journal of African Earth Sciences. Vol. 134, p. 866-873
Journal article

Shallow system rejuvenation and magma discharge trends at Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion Island)

D. Coppola, A. Di Muro, A. Peltier et al
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Vol. 463, p. 13-24
Journal article

Multi-component gas emission measurements of the active lava lake of Nyiragongo, DR Congo

Nicole Bobrowski, Giovanni Giuffrida, Mathieu Yalire et al
Journal of African Earth Sciences. Vol. 134, p. 856-865
Journal article

Retrieval of absolute SO2 column amounts from scattered-light spectra: implications for the evaluation of data from automated DOAS networks

Peter Lübcke, J. Lampel, Santiago Arellano et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 9 (12), p. 5677-5698
Journal article

Seasonal and diurnal patterns in the dispersion of SO2 from Mt. Nyiragongo

A. Dingwell, A. Rutgersson, B. Claremar et al
Atmospheric Environment. Vol. 132, p. 19-29
Journal article

Balloon-borne measurement of the aerosol size distribution from an Icelandic flood basalt eruption

D. Vignelles, T. J. Roberts, E. Carboni et al
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Vol. 453, p. 252-259
Journal article

Gas emission strength and evolution of the molar ratio of BrO/SO2 in the plume of Nyiragongo in comparison to Etna

N. Bobrowski, R. von Glasow, G. B. Giuffrida et al
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 120 (1), p. 277-291
Journal article

Environmental pressure from the 2014–15 eruption of Bárðarbunga volcano, Iceland

S.R. Gislason, G. Stefánsdóttir, M.A. Pfeffer et al
Geochemical Perspectives Letters. Vol. 1 (2015), p. 84 - 93
Journal article

Environmental pressure from the 2014-15 eruption of Bárðarbunga volcano, Iceland

S. R. Gfslason, Gerður Stefánsdóttir, M. A. Pfeffer et al
Geochemical Perspectives Letters. Vol. 1 (1), p. 84-93
Journal article

SO2 degassing at Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador) between 2007 and 2013: Transition from continuous to episodic activity

Silvana Hidalgo, Jean Battaglia, Santiago Arellano et al
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. Vol. 298, p. 1-14
Journal article

Detailed multidisciplinary monitoring reveals pre- and co-eruptive signals at Nyamulagira volcano (North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo)

Benoît Smets, Nicolas d'Oreye, François Kervyn et al
Bulletin of Volcanology. Vol. 76 (787), p. 1-35
Journal article

BrO/SO2 molar ratios from scanning DOAS measurements in the NOVAC network

Peter Lübcke, Nicole Bobrowski, Santiago Arellano et al
Solid Earth. Vol. 5 (1), p. 409-424
Journal article

Inventory of gas flux measurements from volcanoes of the global Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change (NOVAC)

Bo Galle, Santiago Arellano
Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 14
Paper in proceeding

Bromine monoxide evolution in early plumes of Mutnovsky and Gorely (Kamchatka, Russia)

Nicole Bobrowski, Leif Vogel, Ulrich Platt et al
Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 14
Conference poster

Intensity, magnitude and trends of SO2 gas emission from volcanoes of the global Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change (NOVAC)

Santiago Arellano, Bo Galle
5th Gothenburg Atmospheric Science Centre Conference Extended Abstracts
Paper in proceeding

Variations in gas emissions in correlation with lava lake level changes at Nyiragono volcano, DR Congo

Nicole Bobrowski, Giovanni Giuffrida, Mathew Yalire et al
Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 14
Paper in proceeding

The human health impact of Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira eruptions on Goma city and its surrounding area

C. Michellier, M. Dramaix, Santiago Arellano et al
Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 14
Conference poster

Early in-flight detection of SO2 via Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy: a feasible aviation safety measure to prevent potential encounters with volcanic plumes

L. Vogel, Bo Galle, C. Kern et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 4 (9), p. 1785-1804
Journal article

New developments on remote sensing studies of volcanic gas emissions by solar infrared spectroscopy

Santiago Arellano, Bo Galle
11th IAVCEI-CCVG Gas Workshop, September 1 - 10, 2011, Kamchatka, Russia
Paper in proceeding

Gas emission measurements of the active lava lake of Nyiragongo, DR Congo

N. Bobrowski, G.B. Giuffrida, D. Tedesco et al
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-10804, EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria
Paper in proceeding

On quantum leaps, Michelson and eruptions: Solar FTS detection of volcanic gas emissions

Santiago Arellano, Bo Galle, M. Kihlman et al
FIEL VOLCAN Project Symposium, Mexico DF, Mexico, April 2010
Other conference contribution

Halogen/sulphur variations over the active lava lake of Nyiragongo

G Giuffrida, N. Brobrowski, D. Tedesco et al
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA, 13 - 17 December 2010 (Abstract #966546)
Conference poster

Presentations about data analysis related with the NOVAC project

Santiago Arellano, Bo Galle, Patrik Norman et al
4th NOVAC Annual Meeting, Guatemala, January 2010
Other conference contribution

Identificación de los distintos escenarios eruptivos potenciales del volcán Tungurahua, usando la sismicidad y los flujos de SO2

Silvana Hidalgo, J. Bourquin, P. Palacios et al
I Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Aplicadas al Conocimiento de los Riesgos Naturales y Antrópicos (First National Conference on Sciences of Natural and Anthropogenic Risks), Santa Elena, Ecuador, November 24-26, 2010
Other conference contribution

Distinguishing between potential eruptive styles at Tungurahua volcano using seismic and SO2 fluxes data

Silvana Hidalgo, J. Bourquin, P. Palacios et al
American Geophysical Union Meeting of the Americas, Foz de Iguassu, Brasil, August 2010 (Abstract #NH33A-01)
Other conference contribution

Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change (NOVAC)-A global network for volcanic gas monitoring: Network layout and instrument description

Bo Galle, Mattias Erik Johansson, Claudia Rivera et al
Journal of Geophysical Research. Vol. 115 (D5), p. Art. no. D05304-
Journal article

Long-term observations of SO2 gas emission rates from Nyiragongo volcano (RD Congo) during 2004-2009

Santiago Arellano, M. Yalire, Bo Galle et al
4th Gothenburg Atmospheric Science Centre Conference Abstracts, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2010
Conference poster

Early in-flight detection of SO2 via Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy: A feasible aviation safety measure to prevent potential encounters with volcanic plumes

L. Vogel, Bo Galle, C. Kern et al
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA, 13 - 17 December 2010 (Abstract #966076)
Other conference contribution

Long-term observations of SO2 gas emission rates from Nyiragongo volcano (RD Congo) during 2004-2009

M. Yalire, Bo Galle, Santiago Arellano et al
European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-5223-2, Vienna, Austria, May 2010. Vol. 12 (EGU2010-5223-2)
Other conference contribution

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission rates of Masaya and San Cristóbal volcano (Nicaragua) during 2009 inferred from stationary and mobile mini-DOAS measurements within the NOVAC project

A Muñoz, J Álvarez, A. Morales et al
6th Cities on Volcanoes Abstracts, Tenerife, Spain, June 2010
Conference poster

Prospects of a global network for studies of volcanic plumes

Santiago Arellano, Bo Galle
CEV-IAVCEI Workshop on Advances in studies of volcanic plumes and pyroclastic density currents, Clermont-Ferrand, France, Oct. 2009.
Other conference contribution

First observations of intermittent, non-eruptive gas emissions of Cotopaxi volcano (Ecuador) during a period of heightened seismicity

J. Bourquin, Silvana Hidalgo, Santiago Arellano et al
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2009 Abstracts, abstract #V23D-2140, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 2009.
Conference poster

Degassing patterns of Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador) during the 1999–2006 eruptive period, inferred from remote spectroscopic measurements of SO2 emissions

Santiago Arellano, Minard Hall, Pablo Samaniego et al
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. Vol. 176, p. 151-162
Journal article

Daily monitoring of Ecuadorian volcanic degassing from space

Simon Carn, Arlin Krueger, Santiago Arellano et al
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. Vol. 176 (1), p. 141-150
Journal article

On the fine structure of SO2 outgassing of Tungurahua volcano. A multi-parametrical measuring approach.

Santiago Arellano, Silvana Hidalgo, F. Vásconez et al
10th Gas Workshop of the IAVCEI Commission on the Chemistry of Volcanic Gases Abstracts, Mexico DF, Mexico, November 2008
Other conference contribution

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Showing 6 research projects


ECMWF CAMS2_61 Global and Regional Emissions

Santiago Arellano Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts


Building global capacity for the observation of volcanic and atmospheric change

Santiago Arellano Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)


Global Volcanic and Atmospheric Observation Programme

Santiago Arellano Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing
Swedish National Space Board

3 publications exist

Implementation of NOVAC instruments in the DECADE project (DECADE)

Alexander Vladimir Conde Jacobo Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing
Santiago Arellano Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing
Bo Galle Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing
Carnegie Institution of Washington


Development and implementation of an algorithm for improved volcanic gas emission monitoring, geophysical research and volcano risk assessment

Bo Galle Optical Remote Sensing
Santiago Arellano Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing


NOVAC network for observation of volcanic and atmospheric change

Santiago Arellano Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2
US Geological Survey - Volcano Disaster Assistance Program
Swedish National Space Board
European Commission (EC)

There might be more projects where Santiago Arellano participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.