Niek Welkenhuysen

Showing 16 publications


Exploring carbon source related localization and phosphorylation in the Snf1/Mig1 network using population and single cell-based approaches

Svenja Braam, Farida Tripodi, Linnea Österberg et al
Microbial Cell. Vol. 11 (1), p. 143-154
Journal article

The Effect of Lithium on the Budding Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae upon Stress Adaptation

Patrick Philipp Reith, Svenja Braam, Niek Welkenhuysen et al
Microorganisms. Vol. 10 (3)
Journal article

The effect of stress on biophysical characteristics of misfolded protein aggregates in living Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells

Barbara Maria Schnitzer, Niek Welkenhuysen, Mark C. Leake et al
Experimental Gerontology. Vol. 162
Review article

Scalable and flexible inference framework for stochastic dynamic single-cell models

Sebastian Persson, Niek Welkenhuysen, Sviatlana Shashkova et al
PLoS Computational Biology. Vol. 18
Journal article

Synergistic effects of repair, resilience and retention of damage determine the conditions for replicative ageing

Johannes Borgqvist, Niek Welkenhuysen, Marija Cvijovic
Scientific Reports. Vol. 10 (1)
Journal article

Peroxiredoxin promotes longevity and H2O2-resistance in yeast through redox-modulation of protein kinase A

F. Roger, Cecilia Picazo Campos, W. Reiter et al
eLife. Vol. 9, p. 1-32
Journal article

Fine-Tuning of Energy Levels Regulates SUC2 via a SNF1-Dependent Feedback Loop

Sebastian Persson, Niek Welkenhuysen, Sviatlana Shashkova et al
Frontiers in Physiology. Vol. 11
Journal article

Mig1 localization exhibits biphasic behavior which is controlled by both metabolic and regulatory roles of the sugar kinases

Gregor W. Schmidt, Niek Welkenhuysen, Tian Ye et al
Molecular Genetics and Genomics. Vol. 295 (6), p. 1489-1500
Journal article

Creating an automated micromanipulator with a microfluidics and optical tweezers approach to study replicative ageing

Niek Welkenhuysen, Martin Mojica-Benavides, Caroline B. Adiels et al
Optical Manipulation and Its Applications - Proceedings Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences Congress 2019 (BODA, BRAIN, NTM, OMA, OMP)
Paper in proceeding

Robustness of Nutrient Signaling Is Maintained by Interconnectivity Between Signal Transduction Pathways

Niek Welkenhuysen, Barbara Maria Schnitzer, Linnea Österberg et al
Frontiers in Physiology. Vol. 9 (JAN)
Journal article

Applying microfluidic systems to study effects of glucose at single-cell level

Niek Welkenhuysen, Caroline B. Adiels, Mattias Goksör et al
Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol. 1713, p. 109-121
Book chapter

Single-cell study links metabolism with nutrient signaling and reveals sources of variability

Niek Welkenhuysen, Johannes Borgqvist, M. Backman et al
BMC Systems Biology. Vol. 11 (1), p. Article Number: 59-
Journal article

Light-sensing via hydrogen peroxide and a peroxiredoxin

Kristofer Bodvard, K. Peeters, F. Roger et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 8
Journal article

Time-Resolved Single Cell, Sub-Cellular Compartmentalized Proteomics, Combining Precise Microfluidics, Deconvolution and Ultrasensitive Single-Molecule Microscopy

A. J. M. Wollman, Sviatlana Shashkova, Niek Welkenhuysen et al
Biophysical Journal. Vol. 112 (3), p. 313A-313A
Magazine article

Systems Level Analysis of the Yeast Osmo-Stat

Soheil Rastgou Talemi, Carl Fredrik Tiger, Mikael Andersson et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 6, p. Article Number: 30950 -
Journal article

Molecular communication: crosstalk between the Snf1 and other signaling pathways

Sviatlana Shashkova, Niek Welkenhuysen, Stefan Hohmann
FEMS Yeast Research. Vol. 15 (4)
Journal article

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