Mikael C D Alatalo

Showing 45 publications


Design aspects on a transversal flux machine with SMC stator

Mikael C D Alatalo
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Drive Cycle Evaluation and Consumption of PM Motors for a Typical Battery Electric City Bus

Emma Grunditz, Mikael C D Alatalo
2023 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC)
Paper in proceeding

Thermal capability of electric vehicle PMSM with different slot areas via thermal network analysis

Emma Grunditz, Torbjörn Thiringer, Joachim Lindström et al
eTransportation. Vol. 8
Journal article

On finding optimal machines and comparison of axial and radial flux propulsion machines

Mikael C D Alatalo
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Efficiency impact of motor type and motor size choice

Mikael C D Alatalo
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Thermal evaluation of a propulsion motor for electric air-craft

Mikael C D Alatalo
Proceedings - 2020 International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2020, p. 998-1003
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of three cooling concepts for an electric vehicle motor - Lumped parameter models

Emma Grunditz, Sonja Lundmark, Mikael C D Alatalo
Proceedings - 2020 International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2020. Vol. 23 August 2020, p. 860-866
Paper in proceeding

Elmaskiner för fordon i en cirkulär ekonomi. Design för miljö- och resurseffektivitet och krav på End-of-Life system.

Anne-Marie Tillman, Anders Nordelöf, Emma Grunditz et al
Report - Department of Technology Management and Economics

Evaluation of three cooling concepts for an electric vehicle motor - 3D models

Mikael C D Alatalo, Sonja Lundmark, Emma Grunditz
Proceedings - 2020 International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2020, p. 867-873
Paper in proceeding

Life cycle assessment of permanent magnet electric traction motors

Anders Nordelöf, Emma Grunditz, Sonja Lundmark et al
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 67, p. 263-274
Journal article

Demagnetisation current due to short circuit effect on an inset permanent magnet motor

Mikael C D Alatalo, Torbjörn Thiringer
2019 14th International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies, EVER 2019
Paper in proceeding

Module size investigation on a 150 kW charger for electric vehicles

Mikael C D Alatalo, Torbjörn Thiringer
NORPIE 2019 - Nordic Workshop on Power and Industrial Electronics, Conference Proceeding
Paper in proceeding

A scalable life cycle inventory of an automotive power electronic inverter unit—part I: design and composition

Anders Nordelöf, Mikael C D Alatalo, Maria Ljunggren Söderman
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 24 (1), p. 78-92
Journal article

Three traction motors with different magnet materials — Influence on cost, losses, vehicle performance, energy use and environmental impact

Emma Grunditz, Sonja Lundmark, Mikael C D Alatalo et al
2018 Thirteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), p. 1-13
Paper in proceeding

Axial flux machine as a traction motor for electric and hybrid vehicles

Mikael C D Alatalo
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

The Design and Construction of Transformers for a 50 kW Three-Phase Dual Active Bridge DC/DC Converter

Saeid Haghbin, Mikael C D Alatalo, Farzad Yazdani et al
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC). Vol. 2018-January
Paper in proceeding

Module size investigation on fast chargers for BEV

Mikael C D Alatalo
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

A scalable life cycle inventory of an electrical automotive traction machine—part I: design and composition

Anders Nordelöf, Emma Grunditz, Anne-Marie Tillman et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 23 (1), p. 55-69
Journal article

An LCL filter with an active compensation for a fast charger station

Saeid Haghbin, Torbjörn Thiringer, Mikael C D Alatalo et al
IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe)
Paper in proceeding

Design of an online temperature monitoring system for an experimental IPMSM

Christian Dubar, Johan Åström, Torbjörn Thiringer et al
Proceedings 22nd International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2016. Lausanne; Switzerland; 4-7 September 2016, p. 1533-1538
Paper in proceeding

Improved Maximum-Torque-Per-Ampere Algorithm Accounting for Core Saturation, Cross-Coupling Effect, and Temperature for a PMSM Intended for Vehicular Applications

Ali Rabiei, Torbjörn Thiringer, Mikael C D Alatalo et al
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. Vol. 2 (2), p. 150 - 159
Journal article

An electric machine design procedure that includes multiple cost scenarios

Christian Dubar, Torbjörn Thiringer, Sonja Lundmark et al
18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2016 ECCE Europe; Karlsruhe; Germany; 5 - 9 September 2016, p. Art no 7695477-
Paper in proceeding

Wireless charging using a resonant auxiliary winding

Eva Palmberg, Mikael C D Alatalo, Saeid Haghbin et al
2015 10th International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies, EVER 2015
Paper in proceeding

Wireless Charging for vehicles-Some Key Elements

Eva Palmberg, Sonja Lundmark, Torbjörn Thiringer et al
2014 16th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'14-ECCE Europe), Lappeenranta, Finland, 26-28 August 2014
Paper in proceeding

Torque Ripple Reduction Methods for an Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator

Poopak Roshanfekr, Sonja Lundmark, Torbjörn Thiringer et al
2014 16th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'14-ECCE Europe), Lappeenranta, Finland, 26-28 August 2014
Paper in proceeding

Fordonskomponenter och konfigurationer

Sonja Tidblad Lundmark, Mikael C D Alatalo, Torbjörn Thiringer et al
Perspektiv på eldrivna fordon 2014, p. 10-11
Book chapter

A synchronous reluctance generator for a wind application-compared with an interior mounted permanent magnet synchronous generator

Poopak Roshanfekr, Sonja Lundmark, Torbjörn Thiringer et al
7th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, PEMD 2014; Manchester; United Kingdom; 8 April 2014 through 10 April 2014. Vol. 2014 (628 CP)
Paper in proceeding

DC-link voltage selection for a multi-MW wind turbine

Poopak Roshanfekr, Torbjörn Thiringer, Sonja Lundmark et al
COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Vol. 33 (5), p. 1722 - 1740
Journal article

Comparison of a 5MW permanent magnet assisted synchronous reluctance generator with an IPMSG for wind application

Poopak Roshanfekr, Sonja Lundmark, Torbjörn Thiringer et al
21st International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2014; Andel's Hotel BerlinBerlin; Germany; 2 September 2014 through 5 September 2014, p. 711 - 715
Paper in proceeding

Effect of magnet coverage on torque, loss and torque ripple in a PMSM

Poopak Roshanfekr, Sonja Lundmark, Torbjörn Thiringer et al
Proceedings, IECON 2014 - 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, p. 535-541
Paper in proceeding

A segmented claw-pole motor for traction applications considering recycling aspects

Sonja Tidblad Lundmark, Mikael C D Alatalo
2013 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies, EVER 2013
Paper in proceeding

Vehicle components and configurations

Sonja Tidblad Lundmark, Mikael C D Alatalo, Torbjörn Thiringer et al
Systems Perspectives on Electromobility 2013, p. 22-32
Book chapter

Wireless charging-some key elements

Eva Palmberg, Sonja Lundmark, Torbjörn Thiringer et al

Performance of two 5 MW Permanent Magnet Wind Turbine Generators Using Surface Mounted and Interior Mounted Magnets

Poopak Roshanfekr, Torbjörn Thiringer, Mikael C D Alatalo et al
2012 20th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2012, Marseille, 2 - 5 September 2012, p. 1041-1047
Paper in proceeding

Performance of the position control of a permanent magnet sensorless drive

Mikael C D Alatalo, Johan Åström, A. Pettersson
2nd International Electric Drives Production Conference, EDPC 2012, Nuremberg,15 through18 October 2012 (Article number 6425100), p. 1-5
Paper in proceeding

Selecting IGBT Module for a High Voltage 5 MW Wind Turbine PMSG-equipped Generating System

Poopak Roshanfekr, Torbjörn Thiringer, Sonja Lundmark et al
PEMWA 2012, (Power Electronics & Machines for Wind Application )
Paper in proceeding

Experiences from a distance course in electric drives including on-line labs and tutorials

Sonja Lundmark, Ali Rabiei, Tarik Abdulahovic et al
2012 20th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2012, Marseille, 2 September - 5 September 2012, p. 3050-3055
Paper in proceeding

Optimering av energieffektivitet för elektriska drivsystem i hybridfordon

Sonja Lundmark, Ali Rabiei, Mikael C D Alatalo et al

Electric Machine Design for Traction Applications Considering Recycling Aspects- Review and New Solution

Mikael C D Alatalo, Sonja Lundmark, Emma Grunditz
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference), p. 1836-1841
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 2 research projects


Electric traction motors in a circular economy

Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Maria Ljunggren Environmental Systems Analysis
Anders Nordelöf Environmental Systems Analysis
Emma Grunditz Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Sonja Lundmark Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Torbjörn Thiringer Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Mikael C D Alatalo Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Swedish Energy Agency

5 publications exist

Electric motors and converters

Emma Grunditz Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Sonja Lundmark Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Mikael C D Alatalo Electric Power Engineering
Torbjörn Thiringer Unknown organization

1 publication exists
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