David Albinsson

Showing 17 publications


The Role of Grain Boundary Sites for the Oxidation of Copper Catalysts during the CO Oxidation Reaction

Sara Nilsson, John N. El Berch, David Albinsson et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 17 (20), p. 20284-20298
Journal article

Probing the role of grain boundaries in single Cu nanoparticle oxidation by in situ plasmonic scattering

Sara Nilsson, Alvaro Posada Borbon, Mario Zapata-Herrera et al
Physical Review Materials. Vol. 6 (4)
Journal article

Label-free nanofluidic scattering microscopy of size and mass of single diffusing molecules and nanoparticles

Barbora Spackova, Henrik Klein Moberg, Joachim Fritzsche et al
Nature Methods. Vol. 19 (6), p. 751-758
Journal article

Unravelling CO oxidation reaction kinetics on single Pd nanoparticles in nanoconfinement using a nanofluidic reactor and DSMC simulations

Sangita Swapnasrita, David Albinsson, Georg R. Pesch et al
Chemical Engineering Science: X. Vol. 9
Journal article

Shedding light on CO oxidation surface chemistry on single Pt catalyst nanoparticles inside a nanofluidic model pore

David Albinsson, Stephan Bartling, Sara Nilsson et al
ACS Catalysis. Vol. 11 (4), p. 2021-2033
Journal article

Operando detection of single nanoparticle activity dynamics inside a model pore catalyst material

David Albinsson, Stephan Bartling, Sara Nilsson et al
Science advances. Vol. 6 (25)
Journal article

Copper catalysis at operando conditions - bridging the gap between single nanoparticle probing and catalyst-bed-averaging

David Albinsson, Astrid Boje, Sara Nilsson et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 11 (1)
Journal article

Plasmonic Metasurface for Spatially Resolved Optical Sensing in Three Dimensions

Ferry Nugroho, David Albinsson, Tomasz Antosiewicz et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 14 (2), p. 2345-2353
Journal article

Resolving single Cu nanoparticle oxidation and Kirkendall void formation with in situ plasmonic nanospectroscopy and electrodynamic simulations

Sara Nilsson, David Albinsson, Tomasz Antosiewicz et al
Nanoscale. Vol. 11 (43), p. 20725-20733
Journal article

Heterodimers for in Situ Plasmonic Spectroscopy: Cu Nanoparticle Oxidation Kinetics, Kirkendall Effect, and Compensation in the Arrhenius Parameters

David Albinsson, Sara Nilsson, Tomasz Antosiewicz et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 123 (10), p. 6284-6293
Journal article

In Situ Plasmonic Nanospectroscopy of the CO Oxidation Reaction over Single Pt Nanoparticles

Su Liu, Arturo Susarrey- Arce, Sara Nilsson et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 13 (5), p. 6090-6100
Journal article

Single Particle Nanoplasmonic Sensing in Individual Nanofluidic Channels

David Albinsson, Joachim Fritzsche, Christoph Langhammer
The 8th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP8)
Paper in proceeding

Single Particle Nanoplasmonic Sensing in Individual Nanofluidic Channels

Joachim Fritzsche, David Albinsson, Michael Fritzsche et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 16 (12), p. 7857-7864
Journal article

Plasmonic sensing of catalytic nanoparticles

David Albinsson, Christoph Langhammer, Svetlana Syrenova
E-MRS Spring meeting 2016, Lille, France, 2016. Vol. Spring meeting 2016
Conference poster

Dichroic nanostructures for selective sensing of catalytic nanoparticles

David Albinsson, Svetlana Syrenova, Christoph Langhammer
Nanolight, Benasque, Spain, 2016. Vol. 2016
Conference poster

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