Alex Alvarado
Showing 58 publications
Model-Based Machine Learning for Joint Digital Backpropagation and PMD Compensation
On Product Codes with Probabilistic Amplitude Shaping for High-Throughput Fiber-Optic Systems
End-to-End Learning of Geometrical Shaping Maximizing Generalized Mutual Information
Revisiting Multi-Step Nonlinearity Compensation with Machine Learning
Regular perturbation for the weak-dispersion regime
Asymptotic comparison of ML and MAP detectors for multidimensional constellations
Achievable information rates of nonbinary codes for optical fiber transmission
On the Information Loss of the Max-Log Approximation in BICM Systems
On Parameter Optimization for Staircase Codes
Optimum detection in presence of nonlinear distortions with memory
LDPC codes for optical channels: Is the "FEC limit" a good predictor of post-FEC BER?
Four-Dimensional Coded Modulation with Bit-Wise Decoders for Future Optical Communications
On the Asymptotic Performance of Bit-Wise Decoders for Coded Modulation
Capacity of a nonlinear optical channel with finite memory
Optimized Bit Mappings for Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes over Parallel Binary Erasure Channels
Improving soft FEC performance for higher-order modulations via optimized bit channel mappings
On the Exact BER of Bit-Wise Demodulators for One-Dimensional Constellations
Design of APSK Constellations for Coherent Optical Channels with Nonlinear Phase Noise
Signal Shaping for BICM at Low SNR
High-SNR Asymptotics of Mutual Information for Discrete Constellations
First-order asymptotics of the BICM mutual information: Uniform vs. nonuniform distributions
General BER Expression for One-Dimensional Constellations
On the Equivalence of TCM Encoders
Asymptotically optimal trellis coded modulation systems
Achieving the Shannon Limit with Probabilistically Shaped BICM
An Efficient Algorithm to Calculate BICM Capacity
Constellation Optimization for Coherent Optical Channels Distorted by Nonlinear Phase Noise
Towards Fully Optimized BICM Transceivers
On BICM receivers for TCM transmission
Constellation and Interleaver Design for BICM
High SNR Bounds for the BICM Capacity
On the performance of BICM with trivial interleavers in nonfading channels
Optimal Alphabets and Binary Labelings for BICM at Low SNR
On BICM-ID with Multiple Interleavers
BICM Transmission using Non-Uniform QAM Constellations: Performance Analysis and Design
Corrections to 'Bit-interleaved coded modulation in the wideband regime'
Exploiting UEP in QAM-based BICM: Interleaver and Code Design
On optimal constellations for BICM at low SNR
Distribution of L-values in Gray-mapped M^2-QAM: Closed-form Approximations and Applications
Unequal Error Protection in BICM with QAM Constellations: Interleaver and Code Design
On the Capacity of BICM with QAM Constellations
Distribution of Max-Log Metrics for QAM-based BICM in Fading Channels
Correcting Suboptimal Metrics in Iterative Decoders
Closed-form approximation of Coded BER in QAM-based BICM Faded Transmission
On the Design of Interleavers for BICM Transmission
Distribution of L-values in Gray-mapped M^2-QAM Signals: Exact Expressions and Simple Approximations
On the Distribution of Extrinsic L-values in Gray-mapped 16-QAM
On Adaptive BICM with Finite Block-Length and Simplified Metrics Calculation
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