Ali Naman Karim
Since March 2024, Ali Naman Karim has been a postdoc at the Division of Building Technology, research team Building Physics Modelling. His research centers on thermal energy storage systems (TES). Additionally, he is part-time involved in teaching master and bachelor courses related to building physics.
Showing 20 publications
Drying of an aerogel-based coating system in Swedish climates: Field tests and simulations
Moisture absorption of an aerogel-based coating system under different wetting scenarios
Wetting and drying of aerogel-based coating mortars in Swedish climates
Increasing Water Absorptivity of an Aerogel-Based Coating Mortar in Subsequent Wetting and Drying
Superisolerande puts ett steg närmare verklighet i Sverige – erfarenheter från fältförsök
Knowledge gaps regarding the hygrothermal and long-term performance of aerogel-based coating mortars
Aerogelbaserad puts- Superisolering för framtiden
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Showing 5 research projects
Accelerating the Uptake of Large Thermal Energy Storages
Underground Large Scale Seasonal Energy Storage for Decarbonized and Reliable Heat
Super insulation plaster for sustainable renovation
Renewable energy use and TES for transport infrastructure winter maintenance
Super insulation render for renovation and new constructions