Antal Boldizar
The research on Environmentally Adapted Engineering Polymers is devoted to the complicated interplay between the material compositions, the processing performed, the subsequent material structure and the resulting properties. Current research deals with cellulosic fibres composites, the structure and mechanical properties of paper board, extrusion of multilayered materials, recycling of bio-plastics and recycling of plastics from electronic waste. The teaching concerns several courses, such as basic materials engineering and elective courses on polymer processing an environmental adaptation.

Showing 102 publications
Blow molding of mechanically recycled post-consumer rigid polyethylene packaging waste
Blow moulding of mechanically recycled post-consumer rigid polyethylene packaging waste
Material recycling of post-consumer flexible polyethylene packaging waste
Washing Post-Consumer Flexible Polyethylene Packaging Waste
Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Mixed PE Fractions from Post-Consumer Plastic Packaging Waste
The thermo-oxidative durability of polyethylene reinforced with wood-based fibres
Melt Processing of Ethylene-Acrylic Acid Copolymer Composites Reinforced with Nanocellulose
Injection Molding and Appearance of Cellulose-Reinforced Composites
Processing and structure of paperboard with a needled middle layer
Composites with surface-grafted cellulose nanocrystals (CNC)
Cellulose nanofibril-reinforced composites using aqueous dispersed ethylene-acrylic acid copolymer
Cellulose nanofibrils and amphiphilic copolymer based bio-composites
Composites with surface-grafted cellulose nanocrystals (CNC)
Mechanical properties of paperboard with a needled middle layer
Plastcizing starch by adding magnesium chloride or sodium chloride
Wheat starch carbamate: Production, molecular characterization, and film forming properties
Wet compounding of nanocellulose and amphiphilic copolymer EAA for composite reinforcement
Cellulose fibre composites mixed at wet state
Magnesium chloride and sodium chloride as altenative plasticizers for starch
Biocomposites made of nanocellulose and amphiphiliccopolymer EAA
Wet mixing of wood cellulose fibres and EAA composites
Influence of processing conditions on the mechanical properties of melt-blended plastics
Cellulose fibres and thermoplastic polymer composites, compounding at wet state
Morphology and properties of melt-filtered and melt-blended WEEE thermoplastics
Composite material of a thermoplastic polymer and cellulose fibres compounded in a wet state
Processing conditions on WEEE plastic model material blends
Influence of processing conditions on the mechanical properties of melt-blended plastics
Processing and mechanical properties of wood cellulose fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites
Melt processing of wood cellulose tissue and ethylene-acrylic acid copolymer composites
Barrier screw compounding and mechanical properties of EAA copolymer and cellulose fiber composite
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) plastics composition
Compositional analysis of plastics from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
Some melt processing studies on cellulose-modified polyethylene composites
Ageing of polymeric surfaces exhibiting flow marks - Effects on surface characteristics
WEEE plastics recycling and compatibilization
Molecular modification and compabilization of collected polyethylene
Melt spinning of conducting polymeric composites containing carbonaceous fillers
Processing and water absorption behavior of foamed potato starch
Factors Influencing the Dielectric Losses of Some Technical Grades of Polyethylene at 1.8 GHz
The Influence of the Measuring/Viewing Angle on the Color of Injection-Molded Plastics
Dielectric properties of polyethylene foams at medium and high frequencies
Properties of flexible gels prepared from cellulose derivative and ionic liquid
Processing and properties of expanded starch materials
Characterization of flow-induced surface defects in injection moulded components - Case studies
Thermal and rheological properties of microcrystalline cellulose dissolved in ionic liquids
Properties of flexible gels prepared from cellulose derivative and ionic liquids
Tribological investigation of coatings for artificial joints
Biodegradable composition for film blowing
Nanoclay plating of cellulosic fiber surfaces
Processing and properties of expanded starch materials
Some effects of processing on the molecular structure and morphology of thermoplastic starch
Dielectric properties of polyethylene foams at medium and high frequencies
Film blowing of thermoplastic starch
Processing and properties of mineral-interfaced cellulose fibre composites
Foam extrusion and measurement of dielelctric properties at high frequencies on polyethylene foam
Processing and properties of expanded starch materials
Processing and properties of expanded starch materials
Processing and properties of expanded starch materials
Foam extrusion and dielectrical properties of foamed polyethylene at high frequencies
On the stress-strain behavior of thermoplastic starch melts
Changes in dielectric properties for polyethylene at high frequencies
Extrusion processing of high amylose potato starch materials
Compression molding and tensile properties of thermoplastic potato starch materials
Tribilogical investigation of coatings for artificial joints
Injection Moulding and Mechanical properties of Recovered Polypropylene
Effects of injection-molding conditions on the gloss and color of pigmented polypropylene
Expancel microspheres in wood filled plastics
On PVT and Rheological Measurements of Polymer Melts
The Gloss of Injection-Moulded Recovered Polypropylene
Thermoplastic properties of oxidised starch
Tribological investigation of coatings for artificial joints
On the Effect of Pressure on the Shear and Elongational Viscosities of Polymer Melts
Extrusion processing of high amylose potato starch materials
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Showing 5 research projects
The influence of washing parameters on the mechanical performance of recycled plasticspackaging
Återvinning av insamlad plast från förpackningar
Rheological studies on nanocellulose suspensions
Production of new high-performance CNF biocomposites (Cellulose nano-composites)