Battulga Munkhbat
Showing 24 publications
Ultranarrow Semiconductor WS<sub>2</sub> Nanoribbon Field-Effect Transistors
Tunable critical Casimir forces counteract Casimir–Lifshitz attraction
Nanostructured Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Multilayers for Advanced Nanophotonics
Probing optical anapoles with fast electron beams
Boosting Second-Harmonic Generation in Monolayer Rhenium Disulfide by Reversible Laser Patterning
Tunable self-assembled Casimir microcavities and polaritons
Optical material anisotropy in high-index transition metal dichalcogenide Mie nanoresonators
Circular dichroism mode splitting and bounds to its enhancement with cavity-plasmon-polaritons
Metal-graphene nanostructures for SEIRA spectroscopy
Ultrastrong coupling between nanoparticle plasmons and cavity photons at ambient conditions
Photophysical properties of halide perovskite CsPb(Br1-xIx)3 thin films and nanowires
Transition metal dichalcogenide metamaterials with atomic precision
Plasmon-assisted direction-and polarization-sensitive organic thin-film detector
Transition metal dichalcogenide nanodisks as high-index dielectric Mie nanoresonators
Suppression of photo-oxidation of organic chromophores by strong coupling to plasmonic nanoantennas
Tunable Hybrid Fano Resonances in Halide Perovskite Nanoparticles
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