Lina Bertling Tjernberg
Showing 72 publications
Condition Monitoring and Asset Management in the Smart Grid
Experience from real tests on multiple smart meter switching
Possibilities of demand side management with Smart Meters
Impact assessment of wind power and demand side management on day-ahead market price
Optimal redundancy and maintenance strategy decisions for offshore wind power converters
Field test on multiple Smart Meter switching to study the effect on power quality at customers level
An Artificial Neural Network Approach for Early Fault Detection of Gearbox Bearings
Self Evolving Neural Network Based Algorithm for Fault Prognosis in Wind Turbines : A Case Study
Remote switching of multiple smart meters and steps to check the effect on the grid's power quality
Cost Efficient Maintenance Strategies for Wind Power Systems Using LCC
Fault section identification method for mixed line in AC transmission system
Optimizing Wind Power Hosting Capacity of Distribution Systems Using Cost Benefit Analysis
Panel Session on Smart Grid in Europe
Evaluating the Customers’ Benefits of Hourly Pricing Based on Day-Ahead Spot Market
On the analysis of the dc dynamics of multi-terminal VSC-HVDC systems using small signal modeling
Analysis of the dc Dynamics of VSC-HVDC Systems Using a Frequency Domain Approach
An Approach for Self Evolving Neural Network Based Algorithm for Fault Prognosis in Wind Turbine
Improved Cost-Benefit Analysis for Market-Based Transmission Planning, A European Perspective
Samordningsrådet för Smarta Elnät
A Model for the Optimization of the Maintenance Support Organization for Offshore Wind Farms
A Redundancy Optimization Model Applied to Offshore Wind Turbine Power Converters
Smarta elnät – vad händer i Europa?
On experience of smart grid projects in Europe and the Swedish demonstration projects
Evaluating the Customers’ Benefits of Hourly Pricing Based on Day-Ahead Spot Market
Operational Adequacy Studies of Power Systems With Wind Farms and Energy Storages
ENM125 Sustainable Electric Power Systems -summary of lecture notes 2012
Assessment of Electric Vehicle Charging Scenarios Based on Demographical Data
Effects of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charge Scheduling on the Day-ahead Electricity Market Price
A stochastic model for opportunistic maintenance planning of offshore wind farms
A Limited-Scope Reliability-Centred Maintenance Analysis of Wind Turbines
Improved cost-benefit analysis for reliable long-term transmission planning
Scheduling Charging of Electric Vehicles for Optimal Distribution Systems Planning and Operation
On the use of reliability test systems: A literature survey
Application of the graph theory in managing power flow in future electric networks
Model of capacity demand under uncertain weather
An evaluation approach for opportunistic maintenance optimization models for nuclear power plants
Integration of plug in hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles - Experience from Sweden
Effects of Plug-in Electric Vehicles on Distribution Systems: The Real Case of Gothenburg
A Combined Zone-3 Relay Blocking and Sensitivity-Based Load Shedding for Voltage Collapse Prevention
Effects of PHEVs in power distribution systems: reviews and analyses
Distributed routing algorithms to manage power flow in agent-based active distribution network
Future wind power production variations in the Swedish power system
Final Program of 2010 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe
An Approach for Condition-Based Maintenance Optimization Applied to Wind Turbine Blades
An optimization framework for opportunistic maintenance of offshore wind power system
Risk management applied to electrical distribution systems
Understanding Power System Voltage Collapses Using ARISTO: Effects of Protection
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