Bo Bergman

Professor Emeritus at Innovation and R&D Management

Bo Bergman is Professor emeritus and since 1999 an SKF Professor at the Division of Service Management and Logistics at Chalmers University of Technology. During 1983 - 1999 he was Professor of Quality Technology and Management at Linköping University, where he was responsible for the creation of education and research in the quality field. During Bo’s years in Linköping, around five hundred engineering MSc students have specialised in quality related topics, 30 licentiate degrees have been presented and eleven PhD dissertations.

Image of Bo Bergman

Showing 67 publications


Quality from Customer Needs to Customer Satisfaction, fourth edition

Bo Bergman, Ingela Bäckström, Rickard Garvare et al

Kvalitet i alla led, 3:e fullständigt omarbetade utgåvan

Bo Bergman, Bengt Klefsjö

Kvalitet från behov till användning (Sjätte pplagan)

Bo Bergman, Bengt Klefsjö

Global perspectives on quality in education (III)

Bo Bergman, ELIZABETH Cudney, Paul Harding et al
Journal for Quality and Participation, . Vol. 41 (4), p. 33-36
Journal article

Fourteen years of quality improvement education in healthcare: a utilisation-focused evaluation using concept mapping

Frida Smith, Patrik Alexandersson, Bo Bergman et al
BMJ open quality. Vol. 8 (4), p. e000795-
Journal article

Global perspectives on quality in education

Bo Bergman, Elisabeth Crudney, Paul Harding et al
Journal for Quality and Participation. Vol. 41 (2), p. 1-5
Journal article

Global perspectives on quality in education (II)

Bo Bergman, Eisabeth Crudney, Paul Harding et al
Journal for Quality and Participation. Vol. 4 (3), p. 22-25
Journal article

The quality dilemma: Combining development and stability

Anders Fundin, Bo Bergman, Mattias Elg
International Series in Operations Research and Management Science. Vol. 255, p. 9-33
Book chapter

Försöksplanering för utveckling och förbättring

Bo Bergman, Martin Arvidsson, Ida Gremyr

From process management towards dynamic capability

Bo Bergman
Acta medica academica. Vol. 45 (2), p. 175-177
Journal article


Bo Bergman, Andreas Hellström, Svante Lifvergren et al
Quality Engineering. Vol. 27 (1), p. 41-43
Journal article

An Emerging Science of Improvement in Health Care

Bo Bergman, Andreas Hellström, Svante Lifvergren et al
Quality Engineering. Vol. 27 (1), p. 17-34
Journal article

Outliers effect in measurement data for T-peel adhesion test using Robust parameter design

R. Dolah, Z. Miyagi, Bo Bergman
Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering). Vol. 68 (4), p. 77-81
Journal article

Exploring the use of the Lexis diagram for monitoring lead times in health care: the illustrative case of an outpatient referral process

Marco Santos, Alexander Chakhunashvili, Anders Plantin et al
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. Vol. 25 (7-8), p. 876-888
Journal article

Decision support system for Warfarin therapy management using Bayesian networks

Barbaros Yet, Kaveh Bastani, Hendry Raharjo et al
Decision Support Systems. Vol. 55 (2), p. 488-498
Journal article

Patients admitted to hospital with chest pain - Changes in a 20-year perspective.

ND Thang, BW Karlsson, Bo Bergman et al
International Journal of Cardiology. Vol. 166 (1), p. 141-146
Journal article

Is early treatment of acute chest pain provided sooner to patients who speak the national language?

Marco Santos, Annica Ravn-Fischer, Thomas Karlsson et al
International Journal for Quality in Health Care. Vol. 25 (5), p. 582-589
Journal article

A Robustness Approach to Reliability

Pär Johannesson, Bo Bergman, Thomas Svensson et al
Quality and Reliability Engineering International. Vol. 29 (1), p. 17-32
Review article

Chain of care in chest pain - Differences between three hospitals in an urban area.

Annica Ravn-Fischer, Thomas Karlsson, Marco Santos et al
International Journal of Cardiology. Vol. 166 (2), p. 440-447
Journal article

A Conceptualistic Pragmatism in a Risk Assessment Context

Terje Aven, Bo Bergman
International Journal of Performability Engineering. Vol. 8 (3), p. 223-232
Journal article

Characteristics of and outcome for patients with chest pain in relation to transport by the emergency medical services in a 20-year perspective

ND Thang, BW Karlsson, Bo Bergman et al
American Journal of Emergency Medicine. Vol. 30 (9), p. 1788-1795
Journal article

Inequalities in the early treatment of women and men with acute chest pain?

Annica Ravn-Fischer, Thomas Karlsson, Marco Santos et al
American Journal of Emergency Medicine. Vol. 30 (8), p. 1515-1521
Journal article

Problems and promises of innovation: why healthcare needs to rethink its love/hate relationship with the new

M. Dixon-Woods, R. Amalberti, S. Goodman et al
BMJ Quality and Safety. Vol. 20 (SUPPL. 1), p. I47-I51
Journal article

Five main processes in healthcare: a citizen perspective

Bo Bergman, D. Neuhauser, L. Provost
BMJ Quality and Safety. Vol. 20 (SUPPL. 1), p. I41-I42
Journal article

Process Capability Analysis for Non-normal Distribution with Lower Specification Limit

Duygu Korkusuz, Hendry Raharjo, Bo Bergman
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, p. 1466-1470
Paper in proceeding

The meaning of variation to healthcare managers, clinical and health-services researchers, and individual patients

D. Neuhauser, L. Provost, Bo Bergman et al
BMJ Quality and Safety. Vol. 20 (SUPPL. 1), p. I36-I40
Journal article

Lessons from Sweden’s first large-scale implementation of Six Sigma in healthcare

Svante Lifvergren, Ida Gremyr, Andreas Hellström et al
Operations Management Research. Vol. 3 (3-4), p. 117-128
Journal article

On integrating Kano's model dynamics into QFD for multiple product design

Hendry Raharjo, Aarnout Brombacher, Thong-Ngee Goh et al
Quality and Reliability Engineering International. Vol. 26 (4), p. 351-363
Journal article

Interpretation of Dispersion Effects in a Robust Design Context

Ida Gremyr, Ida Gremyr, Bo Bergman
Robust Design Methodology for Reliability: Exploring the Effects of Variation and Uncertainty, p. 145-149
Book chapter

A Large Scale Implementation of Six Sigma at the Skaraborg Hospital Group

Svante Lifvergren, Alexander Chakhunashvili, Ida Gremyr et al
16th International Annual EurOMA Conference
Paper in proceeding

Focus on failure avoidance and risk reduction through Variation Mode and Effect Analysis (VMEA)

Stefano Barone, Bo Bergman, Alexander Chakhunashvili et al
2009 Spring Research Conference on Statistics in Industry and Technology
Other conference contribution

Robust Design Methodology for Reliability; Exploring the Effects of Variation and Uncertainty

Bo Bergman, Jacques de Maré, Sara Lorén et al
Edited book

Exploring the epistemological origins of Shewhart’s and Deming’s theory of quality: influences from C.I. Lewis’ conceptualistic pragmatism.

Christina Mauléon, Bo Bergman
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences. Vol. 1 (2), p. 160-171
Journal article

Variation Mode and Effect Analysis: An Application to Fatigue Life Prediction

P. Johannesson, Thomas Svensson, Leif Samuelsson et al
Robust Design Methodology for Reliability: Exploring the Effects of Variation and Uncertainty, p. 71-84
Book chapter

Robust Product Development Using Variation Mode and Effect Analysis

Alexander Chakhunashvili, Stefano Barone, Per Johansson et al
Robust Design Methodology for Reliability: Exploring the Effects of Variation and Uncertainty - Wiley, p. 57-70
Book chapter

Conceptualistic Pragmatism: A framework for Bayesian analysis?

Bo Bergman
IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers). Vol. 41 (1), p. 86-93
Journal article

Statistical-Based Tolerance Setting by Eliciting the Loss Function Reasoning

Stefano Barone, Bo Bergman
Proceeedings of the ENBIS Conference 2009
Paper in proceeding

Variation mode and effect analysis: an application to fatigue life prediction

Pär Johannesson, Thomas Svensson, Leif Samuelsson et al
Quality and Reliability Engineering International. Vol. 25 (2), p. 167-179
Journal article

Dynamic Benchmarking Methodology for QFD

Hendry Raharjo, Aarnout Brombacher, Kah-Hin Chai et al
2008 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2008; Singapore; Singapore; 8 December 2008 through 11 December 2008, p. 224-228
Paper in proceeding

Online statistical monitoring of critical patient data increases patient safety

Svante Lifvergren, Alexander Chakhunashvili, Bo Bergman et al
2008 Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology, Technology Management for a Sustainable Economy, PICMET '08; Cape Town; South Africa; 27 July 2008 through 31 July 2008, p. 895-899
Paper in proceeding

Total Time on Test Plots

Bo Bergman
Encyclopedia of Statistics Quality and Reliability
Book chapter

Kvalitet från behov till användning, 4:e upplagan

Bo Bergman, B Klefsjö

The Bergman-Hynén method for dispersion effect identification

Bo Bergman
Encyclopedia of Statistics Quality and Reliability
Book chapter

In weak statistical control?

Alexander Chakhunashvili, Bo Bergman
International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage. Vol. 3 (1), p. 91-102
Journal article

Ständig förbättring och dess rötter i pragmatismen

Bo Bergman, Christina Mauléon
Elg, M., Gautherau, V., Witell, L. (2007). Att Lyckas med Förbättringsarbete - Förbättra, Förändra, Förnya
Book chapter

Stationary replacement strategies

Bo Bergman
Encyclopedia of Statistics Quality and Reliability
Book chapter

Variation Mode and Effect Analysis: a Practical Tool for Quality Improvement

Per Johansson, Alexander Chakhunashvili, Stefano Barone et al
Quality and Reliability Engineering International. Vol. 23
Journal article

An EWMA Solution to Detect Shifts in a Bernoulli Process in an Out-of-Control Environment

Alexander Chakhunashvili, Bo Bergman
Quality and Reliability Engineering International. Vol. 22 (4), p. 419-428
Journal article

Interpretation of Dispersion Effects in a Robust Design Context

Martin Arvidsson, Ida Gremyr, Bo Bergman
Journal of Applied Statisitcs. Vol. 33 (6), p. 623-627
Journal article

Underlying Themes of Design for Six Sigma

Bo Bergman, Ida Gremyr
9th QMOD Conference
Paper in proceeding

Variation Mode and Effect Analysis

Alexander Chakhunashvili, Per Johansson, Bo Bergman
Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2004, Los Angeles, CA.
Journal article

Continuous Improvement and its roots in Pragmatic Philosophy

Christina Mauléon, Bo Bergman
The Asian Journal on Quality, Vol. 4, No 1. pp. 77-89.
Journal article

A Discussion of the Interpretation of Dispersion Effects

Martin Arvidsson, Ida Gremyr, Bo Bergman
The Annual Conference on Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS3 / ISIS3)
Journal article

Common concepts for Common Action: Sense Making or Senseless Making in Organizations?

Christina Mauléon, Bo Bergman, Sverker Alänge
Proceedings from the EGOS Colloqium (European Group for Organization Studies), July 3-5, Copenhagen.
Paper in proceeding

Continuous Improvement and its Roots in Pragmatic Philosophy

Christina Mauléon, Bo Bergman
6ème Conférence QMOD , Paris, October 1 – 3, 2003
Paper in proceeding

On the theory of knowledge in the quality movement- C.I. Lewis’ contributions to quality pioneers

Christina Mauléon, Bo Bergman
Proceedings of the 8’th Annual Research Seminar, 19-20 February, Fordham University, New York, NY, pp. 156-164.
Paper in proceeding

Beyond Root-Cause Analysis

Per Johansson, Ida Gremyr, Anders Fundin et al
48th Reliability and Maintainability Symposium
Paper in proceeding

Graphical Techniques for Analysis of Data from Repairable Systems

P.-A. Akersten, Bo Bergman, B Klefsjö
Balakrishnan, N. and Rao, C.R., Handbook of Statistics, Vol 20, Advances Reliability., Elsevier Science B. V.
Book chapter

Identification of Factors Influencing Dispersion in Split-Plot Experiments

Martin Arvidsson, Peter Kammerlind, Bo Bergman et al
Journal of Applied Statistics. Vol. 28 (3-4), p. 269-283
Journal article

”Theory of Knowledge- An original element of the quality movement?- C.I. Lewis’ relation to quality pioneers.”

Christina Mauléon, M Antoni, Bo Bergman
Proceedings of the 6’th World Congress for Total Quality Management, 2001, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Paper in proceeding

A methodology for multi-characteristic system improvement with active expert involvement

Per Arne Persson, Peter Kammerlind, Bo Bergman
Qual. Reliab. Engng Int. Vol. 16 (5), p. 405-416
Journal article

Finding Active Factors from Unreplicated Fractional Factorials Utilizing the Total Time on Test (TTT) Technique

Pia Sandvik, Bo Bergman
Quality and Reliability Engineering International. Vol. 15, p. 191-203
Journal article

Conjoint Analysis - A Useful Tool in the Design Process

Anders Gustafsson, Fredrik Ekdahl, Bo Bergman
Total Quality Management. Vol. 10 (3), p. 327-343
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


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Ida Gremyr Quality Sciences
Hendry Raharjo Quality Sciences
Bo Bergman Quality Sciences

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