Bo Bergman
Bo Bergman is Professor emeritus and since 1999 an SKF Professor at the Division of Service Management and Logistics at Chalmers University of Technology. During 1983 - 1999 he was Professor of Quality Technology and Management at Linköping University, where he was responsible for the creation of education and research in the quality field. During Bo’s years in Linköping, around five hundred engineering MSc students have specialised in quality related topics, 30 licentiate degrees have been presented and eleven PhD dissertations.
Showing 67 publications
Quality from Customer Needs to Customer Satisfaction, fourth edition
Global perspectives on quality in education (III)
Global perspectives on quality in education
Global perspectives on quality in education (II)
The quality dilemma: Combining development and stability
From process management towards dynamic capability
An Emerging Science of Improvement in Health Care
Outliers effect in measurement data for T-peel adhesion test using Robust parameter design
Decision support system for Warfarin therapy management using Bayesian networks
Patients admitted to hospital with chest pain - Changes in a 20-year perspective.
Is early treatment of acute chest pain provided sooner to patients who speak the national language?
A Robustness Approach to Reliability
Chain of care in chest pain - Differences between three hospitals in an urban area.
A Conceptualistic Pragmatism in a Risk Assessment Context
Inequalities in the early treatment of women and men with acute chest pain?
Five main processes in healthcare: a citizen perspective
Process Capability Analysis for Non-normal Distribution with Lower Specification Limit
Lessons from Sweden’s first large-scale implementation of Six Sigma in healthcare
On integrating Kano's model dynamics into QFD for multiple product design
Quality from Customer needs to customer satisfaction, 3rd edition
Interpretation of Dispersion Effects in a Robust Design Context
A Large Scale Implementation of Six Sigma at the Skaraborg Hospital Group
Focus on failure avoidance and risk reduction through Variation Mode and Effect Analysis (VMEA)
Robust Design Methodology for Reliability; Exploring the Effects of Variation and Uncertainty
Variation Mode and Effect Analysis: An Application to Fatigue Life Prediction
Robust Product Development Using Variation Mode and Effect Analysis
Conceptualistic Pragmatism: A framework for Bayesian analysis?
Statistical-Based Tolerance Setting by Eliciting the Loss Function Reasoning
Variation mode and effect analysis: an application to fatigue life prediction
Dynamic Benchmarking Methodology for QFD
Online statistical monitoring of critical patient data increases patient safety
The Bergman-Hynén method for dispersion effect identification
Ständig förbättring och dess rötter i pragmatismen
Stationary replacement strategies
Variation Mode and Effect Analysis: a Practical Tool for Quality Improvement
An EWMA Solution to Detect Shifts in a Bernoulli Process in an Out-of-Control Environment
Interpretation of Dispersion Effects in a Robust Design Context
Underlying Themes of Design for Six Sigma
Variation Mode and Effect Analysis
Continuous Improvement and its roots in Pragmatic Philosophy
A Discussion of the Interpretation of Dispersion Effects
Common concepts for Common Action: Sense Making or Senseless Making in Organizations?
Continuous Improvement and its Roots in Pragmatic Philosophy
On the theory of knowledge in the quality movement- C.I. Lewis’ contributions to quality pioneers
Graphical Techniques for Analysis of Data from Repairable Systems
Identification of Factors Influencing Dispersion in Split-Plot Experiments
A methodology for multi-characteristic system improvement with active expert involvement
Conjoint Analysis - A Useful Tool in the Design Process
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