Britt Gabrielsson

Showing 42 publications


The Omega-3 Fatty Acids EPA and DHA, as a Part of a Murine High-Fat Diet, Reduced Lipid Accumulation in Brown and White Adipose Tissues.

Nikulkumar Soni, Alastair Ross, Intawat Nookaew et al
International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Vol. 20 (23)
Journal article

Splenic Immune Response Is Down-Regulated in C57BL/6J Mice Fed Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid Enriched High Fat Diet

Nikulkumar Soni, Alastair Ross, Nathalie Scheers et al
Nutrients. Vol. 9 (1), p. 50-
Journal article

Eicosapentaenoic and Docosahexaenoic Acid-Enriched High Fat Diet Delays Skeletal Muscle Degradation in Mice

Nikulkumar Soni, Alastair Ross, Nathalie Scheers et al
Nutrients. Vol. 8 (9), p. 543-
Journal article

Six Tissue Transcriptomics Reveals Specific Immune Suppression in Spleen by Dietary Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

Sara L Svahn, Leif Wigge, Britt Gabrielsson et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 11 (5), p. Art. no. e0155099-
Journal article

Eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid-enriched high fat diet delays the development of fatty liver in mice

Nikulkumar Soni, Intawat Nookaew, Ann-Sofie Sandberg et al
Lipids in Health and Disease. Vol. 14 (1), p. 74-
Journal article

Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids increase survival and decrease bacterial load during septic S. aureus infection, and improve neutrophil function in mice

Sara L Svahn, Louise Grahnemo, Vilborg Palsdottir et al
Infection and Immunity. Vol. 83 (2), p. 514-21
Journal article

Postprandial lipid and insulin responses among healthy, overweight men to mixed meals served with baked herring, pickled herring or baked, minced beef

Cecilia Svelander, Britt Gabrielsson, Annette Almgren et al
European Journal of Nutrition. Vol. 54 (6), p. 945-958
Journal article

Taurine may affect redox homeostasis via regulation of thioredoxin interacting protein in endothelial cells

ANDREW VINCENT, Nathalie Scheers, Britt Gabrielsson et al
FASEB Journal. Vol. 28 (1 (Suppl.)), p. Art. no. 830.29-
Paper in proceeding

Influence of fish consumption and some of its individual constituents on oxidative stress in cells, animals, and humans

Britt Gabrielsson, Niklas Andersson, Ingrid Undeland
Antioxidants and Functional Components in Aquatic Foods. Hordur G. Kristinsson (Editor), p. 175-217
Book chapter

Dietary herring improves plasma lipid profiles and reduces atherosclerosis in obese low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient mice

Britt Gabrielsson, Johannes Wikström, Robert Jakubowicz et al
International Journal of Molecular Medicine. Vol. 29 (3), p. 331-37
Journal article

Prenatal essential fatty acid deficiency in mice results in long-term gender-specific effects on body weight and glucose metabolism

Vilborg Palsdottir, Anna Wickman, Birgitta Strandvik et al
Molecular Medicine Reports. Vol. 4 (4), p. 731-737
Journal article

Postnatal deficiency of essential fatty acids in mice results in resistance to diet-induced obesity and low plasma insulin during adulthood

Vilborg Palsdottir, Anna Wickman, Niklas Andersson et al
Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids. Vol. 84 (3-4), p. 85-92
Journal article

Reverse Feeding Suppresses the Activity of the GH Axis in Rats and Induces a Preobesogenic State

Camilla A M Glad, E. E. J. Kitchen, G. C. Russ et al
Endocrinology. Vol. 152 (3), p. 869-882
Journal article

Postnatal essential fatty acid deficiency in mice affects lipoproteins, hepatic lipids, fatty acids and mRNA expression

Vilborg Palsdottir, Bob Olsson, Jan Borén et al
Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids. Vol. 85 (3-4), p. 179-88
Journal article

Nonlinear microscopy of lipid storage and fibrosis in muscle and liver tissues of mice fed high-fat diets

Christian Brackmann, Britt Gabrielsson, Fredrik Svedberg et al
Journal of Biomedical Optics. Vol. 15 (6), p. 066008-1 - 066008-10-
Journal article

Identifying molecular effects of diet through systems biology: influence of herring diet on sterol metabolism and protein turnover in mice

Intawat Nookaew, Britt Gabrielsson, Agneta Holmäng et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 5 (8), p. e12361-
Journal article

Maternal Saturated-Fat Diet During Lactation Improves Glucose Tolerance and Influences Gene Expression in Adult Mice

Vilborg Palsdottir, Britt Gabrielsson, Anna Wickman et al
Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics. Vol. 2 (4-5), p. 216-216
Paper in proceeding

Regulation of human aldoketoreductase 1C3 (AKR1C3) gene expression in the adipose tissue.

Per-Arne Svensson, Britt Gabrielsson, Margareta Jernås et al
Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters. Vol. 13 (4), p. 599-613
Journal article

Growth hormone receptor deficiency in mice results in reduced systolic blood pressure and plasma renin, increased aortic eNOS expression, and altered cardiovascular structure and function

Emil Egecioglu, Irene Andersson, Entela Bollano et al
American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism. Vol. 292 (5), p. E1418-E1425
Journal article

Plasma cells and Fc receptors in human adipose tissue--lipogenic and anti-inflammatory effects of immunoglobulins on adipocytes

Jenny Palming, Britt Gabrielsson, Eva Jennische et al
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. Vol. 343 (1), p. 43-8
Journal article

Separation of human adipocytes by size: hypertrophic fat cells display distinct gene expression

Margareta Jernås, Jenny Palming, Kajsa Sjöholm et al
FASEB Journal. Vol. 20 (9), p. E832-E839
Journal article

Evaluation of reference genes for studies of gene expression in human adipose tissue.

Britt Gabrielsson, Louise Olofsson, Anders Sjögren et al
Obesity Research. Vol. 13 (4), p. 649-52
Journal article

Gender-related long-term effects in adult rats by perinatal dietary ratio of n-6/n-3 fatty acids.

Marina Korotkova, Britt Gabrielsson, Agneta Holmäng et al
American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology. Vol. 288 (3), p. R575-9
Journal article

Molecular characterization of a local sulfonylurea system in human adipose tissue.

Britt Gabrielsson, A Cecilia Karlsson, Malin Lönn et al
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. Vol. 258 (1-2), p. 65-71
Journal article

Neonatal losartan treatment suppresses renal expression of molecules involved in cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions

Yun Chen, Daina Lasaitiene, Britt Gabrielsson et al
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN. Vol. 15 (5), p. 1232-43
Journal article

High expression of complement components in omental adipose tissue in obese men.

Britt Gabrielsson, Jenny Palming, Malin Lönn et al
Obesity Research. Vol. 11 (6), p. 699-708
Journal article

Depot-specific expression of fibroblast growth factors in human adipose tissue.

Britt Gabrielsson, Jenny Palming, Eva Jennische et al
Obesity Research. Vol. 10 (7), p. 608-16
Journal article

Maternal dietary intake of essential fatty acids affects adipose tissue growth and leptin mRNA expression in suckling rat pups

Marina Korotkova, Britt Gabrielsson, Lars Åke Hanson et al
Pediatric Research. Vol. 52 (1), p. 78-84
Journal article

Leptin levels in rat offspring are modified by the ratio of linoleic to alpha-linolenic acid in the maternal diet

Marina Korotkova, Britt Gabrielsson, Malin Lönn et al
J Lipid Res. Vol. 43 (10), p. 1743-9
Journal article

Maternal essential fatty acid deficiency depresses serum leptin levels in suckling rat pups.

Marina Korotkova, Britt Gabrielsson, Lars Åke Hanson et al
Journal of Lipid Research. Vol. 42 (3), p. 359-365
Journal article

Partial genome scale analysis of gene expression in human adipose tissue using DNA array

Britt Gabrielsson, Björn Carlsson, Lena M S Carlsson
Obesity Research. Vol. 8 (5), p. 374-84
Journal article

Obese (ob) gene defects are rare in human obesity

Björn Carlsson, Kajsa Lindell, Britt Gabrielsson et al
Obesity Research. Vol. 5 (1), p. 30-5
Journal article

Cardiac insulin-like growth factor I and growth hormone receptor expression in renal hypertension

Gregor Guron, Peter Friberg, Anna Wickman et al
Hypertension. Vol. 27 (3/Pt 2), p. 636-42
Journal article

Glucocorticoids and growth problems.

Iain CAF Robinson, Britt Gabrielsson, G Klaus et al
Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics, Supplement. Vol. 411, p. 81-6
Magazine article

Steroid regulation of growth hormone (GH) receptor and GH-binding protein messenger ribonucleic acids in the rat

Britt Gabrielsson, Danielle F Carmignac, David M Flavell et al
Endocrinology. Vol. 136 (1), p. 209-17
Journal article

Growth hormone binding protein in the rat: effects of gonadal steroids

Daniekke F Carmignac, Britt Gabrielsson, Iain CAF Robinson
Endocrinology. Vol. 133 (6), p. 2445-52
Journal article

Growth hormone secretion in the guinea-pig

Britt Gabrielsson, Keith M Fairhall, Iain CAF Robinson
Journal of Endocrinology. Vol. 124 (3), p. 371-80
Journal article

Effect of food withdrawal and insulin on growth hormone secretion in the guinea pig.

Keith M Fairhall, Britt Gabrielsson, Iain CAF Robinson
Endocrinology. Vol. 127 (2), p. 716-23
Journal article

Transition metal ions in epilepsy: an overview

Shin-Ho Chung, Britt Gabrielsson, DK Norris
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Vol. 203, p. 545-55
Magazine article

Effects of divalent metal ions on the uptake of glutamate and GABA from synaptosomal fractions

Britt Gabrielsson, T Robson, D Norris et al
Brain Research. Vol. 384 (2), p. 218-23
Journal article

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