Tim Cardilin

Showing 21 publications


Analyzing the distribution of progression-free survival for combination therapies: A study of model-based translational predictive methods in oncology

Marcus Baaz, Tim Cardilin, Mats Jirstrand
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 203
Journal article

Probabilistic analysis of tumor growth inhibition models to Support trial design

Marcus Baaz, Tim Cardilin, Torbjörn Lundh et al
Journal of Theoretical Biology. Vol. 595
Journal article

Plasma Pharmacokinetics of N-Acetylgalactosamine-Conjugated Small-Interfering Ribonucleic Acids (GalNAc-Conjugated siRNAs)

Sebastian Sten, Tim Cardilin, Madeleine Antonsson et al
Clinical Pharmacokinetics. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Model-based assessment of combination therapies - ranking of radiosensitizing agents in oncology

Marcus Baaz, Tim Cardilin, Floriane Lignet et al
BMC Cancer. Vol. 23 (1), p. 409-
Journal article

Model-based prediction of progression-free survival for combination therapies in oncology

Marcus Baaz, Tim Cardilin, Mats Jirstrand
CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology. Vol. 12 (9), p. 1227-1237
Journal article

Model-based Prediction of Progression-Free Survival for Combination Therapies in Oncology

Marcus Baaz, Tim Cardilin, Mats Jirstrand
Conference poster

Population Modeling of Toxicological Combination Effects

Marcus Baaz, Tim Cardilin, Mats Jirstrand et al
Conference poster

A Model Based Approach for Translation in Oncology - From Xenografts to RECIST

Marcus Baaz, Tim Cardilin, Floriane Lignet et al
Conference poster

Optimized scaling of translational factors in oncology: from xenografts to RECIST

Marcus Baaz, Tim Cardilin, Floriane Lignet et al
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. Vol. 90 (3), p. 239-250
Journal article

Exposure-response modeling improves selection of radiation and radiosensitizer combinations

Tim Cardilin, Joachim Almquist, Mats Jirstrand et al
Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. Vol. 49 (2), p. 167-178
Journal article

Optimization of additive chemotherapy combinations for an in vitro cell cycle model with constant drug exposures

Tim Cardilin, Torbjörn Lundh, Mats Jirstrand
Mathematical Biosciences. Vol. 338
Journal article

Modeling long-term tumor growth and kill after combinations of radiation and radiosensitizing agents

Tim Cardilin, Joachim Almquist, Mats Jirstrand et al
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. Vol. 83 (6), p. 1159-1173
Journal article

The tumor static exposure (TSE) concept & utility: Application to combination treatment of radiation and radiosensitizing agent in tumor xenograft experiments

S. El Bawab, Tim Cardilin, Mats Jirstrand et al
Annals of Oncology. Vol. 30 (5 suppl.)
Paper in proceeding

Model-based evaluation of radiation and radiosensitizing agents in oncology

Tim Cardilin, Joachim Almquist, Mats Jirstrand et al
CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology. Vol. 7 (1), p. 51-58
Journal article

Modeling of radiation therapy and radiosensitizing agents in tumor xenografts

Tim Cardilin, Joachim Almquist, Mats Jirstrand et al
Conference poster

Evaluation and translation of combination therapies in oncology – A quantitative approach

Tim Cardilin, Joachim Almquist, Mats Jirstrand et al
European Journal of Pharmacology. Vol. 834, p. 327-336
Journal article

Tumor Static Concentration Curves in Combination Therapy

Tim Cardilin, Joachim E Almqvist, Mats Jirstrand et al
AAPS Journal. Vol. 19 (2), p. 456-467
Journal article

Extending the Tumor Static Concentration curve to average doses - a combination therapy example using radiation therapy

Tim Cardilin, Astrid Zimmermann, Mats Jirstrand et al
Proceedings of the 25th Annual meeting of the Population Approach Group in Europe, PAGE2016
Conference poster

Modelling and Analysis of Tumor Growth Inhibition for Combination Therapy using Tumor Static Concentration Curves

Tim Cardilin, Alexandre Sostelly, Johan Gabrielsson et al
Proceedings of the 24th Annual meeting of the Population Approach Group in Europe, PAGE2015
Conference poster

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