Tim Cardilin
Showing 21 publications
Probabilistic analysis of tumor growth inhibition models to Support trial design
Model-based assessment of combination therapies - ranking of radiosensitizing agents in oncology
Model-based prediction of progression-free survival for combination therapies in oncology
Model-based Prediction of Progression-Free Survival for Combination Therapies in Oncology
Population Modeling of Toxicological Combination Effects
A Model Based Approach for Translation in Oncology - From Xenografts to RECIST
Optimized scaling of translational factors in oncology: from xenografts to RECIST
Exposure-response modeling improves selection of radiation and radiosensitizer combinations
Modeling of combination therapy to support drug discovery in oncology
Modeling long-term tumor growth and kill after combinations of radiation and radiosensitizing agents
Model-based evaluation of radiation and radiosensitizing agents in oncology
Modeling of radiation therapy and radiosensitizing agents in tumor xenografts
Evaluation and translation of combination therapies in oncology – A quantitative approach
Tumor Static Concentration Curves in Combination Therapy
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