Emma Rex

Showing 19 publications


Recommendation and context: the missing links for increased life cycle impact in large industries

Emma Rex, Niklas Fernqvist, Sven-Olof Ryding
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 25 (2), p. 240-251
Journal article

LCM development: Focusing on the LC promoters and their organizational problem-solving

Hanna Lindén, Henrikke Baumann, Emma Rex
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 24 (2), p. 297-309
Journal article

The future of Swedish food waste: An environmental assessment of existing and prospective valorization techniques

Birgit Brunklaus, Emma Rex, Erica Carlsson et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 202, p. 1-10
Journal article

Organizational challenges and solutions for practical implementation of life cycle improvements.

Emma Rex, Birgit Brunklaus, Sara Palander et al
Life Cycle Management LCM conference 2015
Conference poster

Energy efficiency along the value chain – ways of working for increased competitiveness

Emma Rex, Birgit Brunklaus, Katarina Lorentzon


Björn Johansson, Andreas Dagman, Emma Rex et al
International Journal of Sustainable Development. Vol. 4 (11), p. 95-104
Journal article

Implications of an interpretive understanding of LCA practice

Henrikke Baumann, Emma Rex
Business Strategy and the Environment. Vol. 17 (7), p. 420-430
Journal article

Marketing for Life Cycle Thinking

Emma Rex
Doctoral thesis

Beyond ecolabels: what green marketing can learn from conventional marketing

Emma Rex, Henrikke Baumann
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 15 (6), p. 567-576
Journal article

Individual adaptation of industry LCA practice: Results from two case studies in the Swedish forest products industry

Emma Rex, Henrikke Baumann
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 12 (4), p. 266-271
Journal article

Company-related or product-related envrionmental communication?

Emma Rex
3rd International conference on Life Cycle Managment, Zurich, p. 83-84
Other conference contribution

Interpretations of corporate environmental policy: Challenges for environmental communication and action

Emma Rex, Henrikke Baumann
13th International Conference of Greening of Industry Network, July 2-5 2006, Cardiff, Wales, UK
Other conference contribution

Implications of an interpretative-based understanding of LCA practice

Emma Rex, Henrikke Baumann
11th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland, June 6-8, 2005
Other conference contribution

Operative images and translations of the life cycle concept: Life cycle thinking outside the environmental department

Emma Rex, Henrikke Baumann
LCM 2005 - Innovation by Life Cycle Management International Conference Barcelona, September, 5-7, 2005
Other conference contribution

Evaluation of LCA activities in industry Ð a field study

Emma Rex
SETAC 14th Annual Meeting
Other conference contribution

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Showing 2 research projects


Sweadish Leadership for Global Life Cycle Thinking

Sara Palander Centre for Environment and Sustainability (GMV)
Emma Rex Centre for Environment and Sustainability (GMV)


Life cycle based innovation

Emma Rex Centre for Environment and Sustainability (GMV)
Sara Palander Centre for Environment and Sustainability (GMV)

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