Magnus C H T Goffeng

Associate Professor at Analysis and Probability Theory image

Showing 29 publications



Heiko Gimperlein, Magnus C H T Goffeng
American Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 143 (3), p. 939-967
Journal article

Dixmier traces and residues on weak operator ideals

Magnus C H T Goffeng, Alexandr Usachev
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Vol. 488 (2)
Journal article

Estimating Dixmier traces of Hankel operators in Lorentz ideals

Magnus C H T Goffeng, Alexandr Usachev
Journal of Functional Analysis. Vol. 279 (7)
Journal article

Smale space C∗-algebras have nonzero projections

Robin J. Deeley, Magnus C H T Goffeng, Allan Yashinski
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Vol. 148 (4), p. 1625-1639
Journal article

Relative geometric assembly and mapping cones Part II: Chern characters and the Novikov property

Robin J. Deeley, Magnus C H T Goffeng
Münster Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 12 (1), p. 57-92
Journal article

Untwisting twisted spectral triples

Magnus C H T Goffeng, Bram Mesland, Adam Rennie
International Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 30 (14)
Journal article

Commutator estimates on contact manifolds and applications

Heiko Gimperlein, Magnus C H T Goffeng
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry. Vol. 13 (1), p. 363-406
Journal article

Constructing KMS states from infinite-dimensional spectral triples

Magnus C H T Goffeng, Adam Rennie, Alexandr Usachev
Journal of Geometry and Physics. Vol. 143, p. 107-149
Journal article

Boundaries, spectral triples and K-homology

Iain Forsyth, Magnus C H T Goffeng, Bram Mesland et al
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry. Vol. 13 (2), p. 407-472
Journal article

Relative geometric assembly and mapping cones, part I: the geometric model and applications

Robin J. Deeley, Magnus C H T Goffeng
Journal of Topology. Vol. 11 (4), p. 966-1000
Journal article

Wieler solenoids, Cuntz–Pimsner algebras and K-theory

R.J. Deeley, Magnus C H T Goffeng, B. MESLAND et al
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. Vol. 38 (8), p. 2942-2988
Journal article

Shift–tail equivalence and an unbounded representative of the Cuntz–Pimsner extension

Magnus C H T Goffeng, Bram Mesland, Adam Rennie
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. Vol. 38 (4), p. 1-33
Journal article

The bordism group of unbounded KK-cycles

Robin J. Deeley, Magnus C H T Goffeng, Bram Mesland
Journal of Topology and Analysis. Vol. 10 (2), p. 1-46
Journal article

Realizing the analytic surgery group of Higson and Roe geometrically, part I: the geometric model

R.J. Deeley, Magnus C H T Goffeng
Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures. Vol. 12 (1), p. 109-142
Journal article

Applying geometric K-cycles to fractional indices

R.J. Deeley, Magnus C H T Goffeng
Mathematische Nachrichten. Vol. 290 (14-15), p. 2207-2233
Journal article

Spectral flow of exterior Landau-Robin hamiltonians

Magnus C H T Goffeng, Elmar Schrohe
Journal of Spectral Theory. Vol. 70 (3), p. 847-879
Journal article

Nonclassical Spectral Asymptotics and Dixmier Traces: from Circles to Contact Manifolds

Heiko Gimperlein, Magnus C H T Goffeng
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma. Vol. 5, p. Article no e3 -
Journal article

Clusters of eigenvalues for the magnetic Laplacian with Robin condition

Magnus C H T Goffeng, A. Kachmar, M. P. Sundqvist
Journal of Mathematical Physics. Vol. 57 (6), p. artikel nr 063510-
Journal article

Realizing the analytic surgery group of Higson and Roe geometrically part III: higher invariants

R.J. Deeley, Magnus C H T Goffeng
Mathematische Annalen. Vol. 366 (3-4), p. 1513-1559
Journal article

Realizing the analytic surgery group of Higson and Roe geometrically part II: relative η -invariants

R.J. Deeley, Magnus C H T Goffeng
Mathematische Annalen. Vol. 366 (3-4), p. 1319-1363
Journal article

Spectral triples and finite summability on Cuntz-Krieger algebras

Magnus C H T Goffeng, Bram Mesland
Documenta Mathematica. Vol. 20, p. 89-170
Journal article

Analytic formulas for topological degree of non-smooth mappings: the even-dimensional case

Magnus C H T Goffeng
Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications. Vol. 4 (2), p. 223-249
Journal article

A remark on twists and the notion of torsion-free discrete quantum groups

Magnus C H T Goffeng
Algebras and Representation Theory. Vol. 15 (5), p. 817-834
Journal article

The Pimsner-Voiculescu sequence for coactions of compact Lie groups

Magnus C H T Goffeng
Mathematica Scandinavica. Vol. 110 (2), p. 297-319
Journal article

Analytic formulas for the topological degree of non-smooth mappings: The odd-dimensional case

Magnus C H T Goffeng
Advances in Mathematics. Vol. 231 (1), p. 357-377
Journal article

Index theory in geometry and physics

Magnus C H T Goffeng
Doctoral thesis

Index formulas and charge deficiencies on the Landau levels

Magnus C H T Goffeng
Journal of Mathematical Physics. Vol. 51 (2), p. article ID 023509 [18 pages]-
Journal article

Equivariant extensions of *-algebras

Magnus C H T Goffeng
New York Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 16, p. 17-
Journal article

Equivariant KK-theory and twists

Magnus C H T Goffeng

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