Ivan Gogolev

Postdoc at Energy Technology

Ivan Gogolev is a PhD student at the department of Space, Earth and Environment at Chalmers University of Technology. His research is focused on enabling effective thermal conversion of biomass with integrated carbon dioxide capture using chemical looping combustion (CLC) technology. The potential application of this research is to implement a low-cost power/steam generation technology with the net effect of removing CO2 from the atmosphere (negative CO2 emissions).

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 13 publications


Method development and evaluation of product gas mixture from a semi-industrial scale fluidized bed steam cracker with GC-VUV

Chahat Mandviwala, Renesteban Forero Franco, Ivan Gogolev et al
Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 253
Journal article

Steam cracking in a semi-industrial dual fluidized bed reactor: Tackling the challenges in thermochemical recycling of plastic waste

Chahat Mandviwala, Renesteban Forero Franco, Teresa Berdugo Vilches et al
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 500
Journal article

Investigation of LD-slag as oxygen carrier for CLC in a 10 kW unit using high-volatile biomasses

Daofeng Mei, Ivan Gogolev, Amir H. Soleimanisalim et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 127
Journal article

Investigation of LD-slag as oxygen carrier for CLC and OCAC in a 10 kW unit using high-volatile biomass

Daofeng Mei, Ivan Gogolev, Fredrik Hildor et al
Other conference contribution

Alkali emissions characterization in chemical looping combustion of wood, wood char, and straw fuels

Ivan Gogolev, Toni Pikkarainen, Juho Kauppinen et al
Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 237
Journal article

Commissioning, performance benchmarking, and investigation of alkali emissions in a 10 kWth solid fuel chemical looping combustion pilot

Ivan Gogolev, Amir H Soleimani Salim, Carl Johan Linderholm et al
Fuel. Vol. 287
Journal article

Alkali Monitoring of Industrial Process Gas by Surface Ionization─Calibration, Assessment, and Comparison to in Situ Laser Diagnostics

Dan Gall, Jan Viljanen, Ivan Gogolev et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 35 (24), p. 20160-20171
Journal article

Chemical-looping combustion in a 100 kW unit using a mixture of synthetic and natural oxygen carriers – Operational results and fate of biomass fuel alkali

Ivan Gogolev, Carl Johan Linderholm, Dan Gall et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 88, p. 371-382
Journal article

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