Morten Grötli
Showing 53 publications
Click and shift: the effect of triazole on solvatochromic dyes
All-photonic kinase inhibitors: light-controlled release-and-report inhibition
Fluorescent Molecular Photoswitches for the Generation of All-Optical Encryption Keys
Design and development of photoswitchable DFG-Out RET kinase inhibitors
Lighting Up DNA with the Environment-Sensitive Bright Adenine Analogue qAN4
Getting DNA and RNA out of the dark with 2CNqA: a bright adenine analogue and interbase FRET donor
A Fluorescent Kinase Inhibitor that Exhibits Diagnostic Changes in Emission upon Binding
Interbase FRET in RNA: from A to Z
Synthesis and Photophysical Characterization of Azoheteroarenes
Pentacyclic adenine: A versatile and exceptionally bright fluorescent DNA base analogue
Drug Repositioning for Effective Prostate Cancer Treatment
Improving the economics of NASH/NAFLD treatment through the use of systems biology
Network analyses identify liver-specific targets for treating liver diseases
Toward Complete Sequence Flexibility of Nucleic Acid Base Analogue FRET
Structural Insights into the Polyphyletic Origins of Glycyl tRNA Synthetases
An acido- and photochromic molecular device that mimics triode action
Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of 2,5-Diketopiperazines as Inhibitors of the MDM2-p53 Interaction
8-Triazolylpurines: Towards Fluorescent Inhibitors of the MDM2/p53 Interaction
A Caged Ret Kinase Inhibitor and its Effect on Motoneuron Development in Zebrafish Embryos
Design, Synthesis and Inhibitory Activity of Photoswitchable RET Kinase Inhibitors.
Application of a peptide-based assay to characterize inhibitors targeting protein kinases from yeast
Synthesis and photophysical characterisation of new fluorescent triazole adenine analogues
A Single-Cell Study of a Highly Effective Hog1 Inhibitor for in Situ Yeast Cell Manipulation
Synthesis and photophysical characterization of 1-and 4-(purinyl) triazoles
Effect of MAPK Inhibitor on the Arsenite uptake by Aquaglyceroporin in Single Yeast Cells.
Design and evaluation of a microfluidic system for inhibition studies of yeast cell signaling
Solid-Phase Synthesis of 5 '-O- N-(Acyl)sulfamoyl adenosine Derivatives
2,6,8-Trisubstituted 3-hydroxychromone derivatives as fluorophores for live-cell imaging.
Short cut to 1,2,3-triazole-based p38 MAP kinase inhibitors via [3+2]-cycloaddition chemistry
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