Hans-Georg Scherneck
Hans-Georg Scherneck, docent in space geodetic measurements, is involved in research and PhD-level education on geodynamics, in particular solid earth deformation, earth tides and glacial isostatcy. His most important work applied GPS techniques to measure the re-adjustment of Fennoscandia due to the recent deglaciation.

Showing 69 publications
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities During 2021–2022
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities during 2017—2018
Using a Superconducting Gravimeter in Support of Absolute Gravity Campaigning — A Feasibility Study
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities during 2015–2016
Mobile quantum gravity sensor with unprecedented stability
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities during 2014
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Analysis Center Activities during 2014
The relation between gravity rate of change and vertical displacement in previously glaciated areas
Contributions of Onsala Space Observatory to GGOS
Observed secular gravity trend at Onsala station with the FG5 gravimeter from Hannover.
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Analysis Center Activities during 2013
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities During 2013
GNSS for global environmental Earth observation
Computation of green's functions for ocean tide loading
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station
DInSAR investigation in the Pärvie endglacial fault region, Lapland, Sweden
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Analysis Center
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Network Station
Modelling of the GIA-induced surface gravity change over Fennoscandia
Sea Level Records from Geodetic GPS Receivers: a New Coastal Sea Level Dataset
Remote Sensing of the Coastal Ocean with Standard Geodetic GNSS-Equipment
The Swedish Fundamental Geodetic Station at the Onsala Space Observatory: Status in Early 2012
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Analysis Center
Computations of Green's Functions for Ocean Tide Loading
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Network Station
Three months of local sea level derived from reflected GNSS signals
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Analysis Center
Sea Level Derived from Reflected GNSS Signals
Sea-Level Analysis Using 100 Days of Reflected GNSS Signals
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Network Station
Fennoscandian strain rates from BIFROST GPS: A gravitating, thick-plate approach
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Analysis Center
Recent results based on continuous GPS observations of the GIA process in Fennoscandia from BIFROST
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Technology Development Center
Effects on gravity from non-tidal sea level variations in the Baltic Sea
High-Rate GNSS Techniques for the Detection of Large Seismic Displacements
Site Dependent Effects in GNSS-Observations - Reflections as Disturbances and/or Signals
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Analysis Center
Assessing the accuracy of predicted ocean tide loading displacement
The IVS Analysis Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
Geodetic reference frames in the presence of crustal deformations - with focus on Nordic conditions
The Nordic Geodetic Observing System (NGOS)
The IVS Analysis Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
An improved and extended GPS-derived 3D velocity field of the glacial isostatic
BIFROST: Noise properties of GPS time series
The IVS Analysis Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
Observing Fennoscandian Gravity Change by Absolute Gravimetry
Upper Mantle Viscosity from Continuous GPS Baselines in Fennoscandia
Atmospheric pressure loading displacement of SLR stations
Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory; Using borehole tides to determine fracture parameters, 2 - Data analysis
Continuous GPS measurements of postglacial adjustment in Fennoscandia: 2. Modeling results
Ocean tide and atmospheric loading
Continuous GPS measurements of postglacial adjustment in Fennoscandia - 1. Geodetic results
Large-scale strain-rates in Europe derived from observations in the European geodetic VLBI network
Space-Geodetic Constraints on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Fennoscandia
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