Ida Karlsson
Ida Karlsson works to develop transformative development paths for the supply chains for buildings and transport infrastructure in Sweden within the large-scale research program Mistra Carbon Exit. Here, she applies holistic systems thinking in analyses of alternatives, barriers, enablers, and opportunities on the way to zero carbon dioxide emissions in the value chains for buildings and transport infrastructure. In close collaboration with companies along the supply chains and governmental agencies, Ida co-develops knowledge around case studies as well as local, regional, and national development pathways to overcome obstacles and accelerate the climate transition in the construction sector. One of Ida's main driving forces is utilization and bridging the gap between academia and centers of decision-making. In that direction, she takes an active role internally at Chalmers and is also involved in various boards and networks, including the Gothenburg-based Konwedgle group for climate leadership, the Housing Authority's Building Council, Samhällsbyggarna, Gothenburg's Air and Climate Research Network, and Skanska Sweden's Climate Strategic Council. Ida strives to maximize the use of the research developed within the research program to provide good decision support to authorities and local initiatives and is happy to be on hand to present the program's research results and discuss progress as well as the way forward in relevant arenas.

Showing 15 publications
Emissions from building and construction can be halved with current technologies and practices
Emission pathways and mitigation options for achieving consumption-based climate targets in Sweden
Mistra Carbon Exit Technical roadmap - Cement industry
Mistra Carbon Exit Technical roadmap - Buildings and transport infrastructure
Mistra Carbon Exit Technical roadmap - Steel industry
Pathways for Low-Carbon Transition of the Steel Industry-A Swedish Case Study
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Showing 2 research projects