Istvan Horvath
Istvan Horvath is a researcher in Pernilla's lab.
The main focus of my research is protein misfolding and aggregation and its implications in various diseases including Parkinson’s disease Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes. My results contribute to the basic understanding of these protein misfolding diseases which will help to develop better treatment and prevention strategies.

Showing 23 publications
Biological Amyloids Chemically Damage DNA
Distinct growth regimes of α-synuclein amyloid elongation
Amyloids of α-Synuclein Promote Chemical Transformations of Neuronal Cell Metabolites
Amyloid Fibers of α-Synuclein Catalyze Chemical Reactions
Response to crowded conditions reveals compact nucleus for amyloid formation of folded protein
Macromolecular crowding modulates α-synuclein amyloid fiber growth
Effects of the toxic metals arsenite and cadmium on α-synuclein aggregation in vitro and in cells
A gut bacterial amyloid promotes α-synuclein aggregation and motor impairment in mice
Redox-Dependent Copper Ion Modulation of Amyloid-β (1-42) Aggregation In Vitro
Biochemical evidence of both copper chelation and oxygenase activity at the histidine brace
Abundant fish protein inhibits α-synuclein amyloid formation
In vitro analysis of α-synuclein amyloid formation and cross-reactivity
Copper chaperone blocks amyloid formation via ternary complex
Cross-talk between amyloidogenic proteins in type-2 diabetes and Parkinson's disease
Direct Correlation Between Ligand-Induced α-Synuclein Oligomers and Amyloid-like Fibril Growth.
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