Jacob Leander

Showing 14 publications


A stochastic mixed effects model to assess treatment effects and fluctuations in home-measured peak expiratory flow and the association with exacerbation risk in asthma

Jacob Leander, Mats Jirstrand, Ulf Eriksson et al
CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology. Vol. 11 (2), p. 212-224
Journal article

Nonlinear Mixed Effects Modeling of Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamical Systems in Wolfram Mathematica

Jacob Leander, Joachim Almquist, Anna Johnning et al
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 54 (7), p. 409-414
Paper in proceeding

NLMEModeling: A Wolfram Mathematica Package for Nonlinear Mixed Effects Modeling of Dynamical Systems

Jacob Leander, Joachim Almquist, Anna Johnning et al

Parameter Estimation for Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models Implemented in Mathematica

Jacob Leander, Joachim Almquist, Helga Kristín Ólafsdóttir et al
Conference poster

Exact Gradients Improve Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models with Stochastic Dynamics

Helga Kristín Ólafsdóttir, Jacob Leander, Joachim Almquist et al
AAPS Journal. Vol. 20 (5)
Journal article

Exact Gradients Improve Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models with Stochastic Dynamics

Helga Kristin Olafsdottir, Jacob Leander, Joachim Almquist et al
Conference poster

Using sensitivity equations for computing gradients of the FOCE and FOCEI approximations to the population likelihood

Joachim Almquist, Jacob Leander, Mats Jirstrand
Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. Vol. 42 (3), p. 191-209
Journal article

Mixed Effects Modeling Using Stochastic Differential Equations: Illustrated by Pharmacokinetic Data of Nicotinic Acid in Obese Zucker Rats

Jacob Leander, Joachim Almquist, Christine Ahlström et al
AAPS Journal. Vol. 17 (3), p. 586-596
Journal article

Mixed-effects modeling using stochastic differential equations - Applications to pharmacokinetic modeling

Jacob Leander, Joachim Almquist, Christine Ahlström et al
Population Approach Group Europe (PAGE) 2014
Conference poster

Contributions to nonlinear mixed-effects modeling

Jacob Leander
Licentiate thesis

Joint feedback analysis modeling of nonesterified fatty acids in obese zucker rats and normal sprague-dawley rats after different routes of administration of nicotinic acid

Sofia Tapani, Joachim Almquist, Jacob Leander et al
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 103 (8), p. 2571-2584
Journal article

Stochastic differential equations as a tool to regularize the parameter estimation problem for continuous time dynamical systems given discrete time measurements

Jacob Leander, Torbjörn Lundh, Mats Jirstrand
Mathematical Biosciences. Vol. 251 (1), p. 54-62
Journal article

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