Jerker Mårtensson
Jerker Mårtensson’s interest lies in organic synthesis, the relationship between molecular structures and properties, and the fate of the excited states of organic molecules. He runs projects directed toward synthesis of natural products and designed molecules that, subsequent synthesis, are explored with respect to their excited state properties. The aims of the projects are to understand the origin of the allergenic potency of sunscreens, to delineate design principles for safer sunscreens, and to develop new dyes for solar cells with improved efficiency due to singlet fission. He also runs a pedagogical project aimed at improving the teaching of chemical bonding.

Showing 57 publications
Bonding between π-Conjugated Polycations and Monolayer Graphene: Decisive Role of Anions
Two-colour photoswitching in photoresponsive inorganic thin films
Cyclopenta[ b]indole Derivative Inhibits Aurora B in Primary Cells
Evidence for Electron Transfer between Graphene and Non-Covalently Bound pi-Systems
Teaching of chemical bonding: a study of Swedish and South African students' conceptions of bonding
On the photostability of scytonemin, analogues thereof and their monomeric counterparts
A Bioinspired Self Assembled Dimeric Porphyrin Pocket that Binds Electron Accepting Ligands
Total Synthesis of Nostodione A, a Cyanobacterial Metabolite
Clinical and experimental studies of octocrylene's allergenic potency
Oxidative Coupling as a Biomimetic Approach to the Synthesis of Scytonemin
Tunneling through conjugated bridges in designed donor-bridge-acceptor molecules
Excitation energy transfer in donor-bridge-acceptor systems
Functionalized Nanostructures: Redox-Active Porphyrin Anchors for Supramolecular DNA Assemblies
Membrane-Anchored DNA Assembly for Energy and Electron Transfer
Photodegradation of Dibenzoylmethanes: Potential Cause of Photocontact Allergy to Sunscreens
Two competing mechanisms for the copper-free Sonogashira cross-coupling reaction
Long-range electron and excitation energy transfer in donor-bridge-acceptor systems
Porphyrin doping of Alq3 for electroluminescence
A membrane anchored DNA-based energy/electron transfer assembly
Characterization and use of tricyclic fluorescent nucleic acid base analogues
Temperature dependence of electronic coupling through oligo-p-phenyleneethynylene bridges
Charge recombination versus charge separation in donor-bridge-acceptor systems
Triplet photophysics of gold(III) porphyrins
Controlling excitation energy and electron transfer by tuning the electronic coupling
Photoinduced hole transfer from the triplet state in a porphyrin-based donor-bridge-acceptor system
The gold porphyrin first excited singlet state
Temperature and viscosity dependence of the triplet energy transfer process in porphyrin dimers
Bridge-dependent electron transfer in porphyrin-based donor-bridge-acceptor systems
Årets nobelpris i kemi till katalytisk syntes av spegelbildsmolekyler
Control of electron transfer in supramolecular systems
Mediated energy transfer in covalently linked porphyrin dimers
Synthesis and Energy Transfer Studies of a Donor-Host-Acceptor Triad
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Showing 6 research projects
Singlet fission in self-assembly materials
Self-assembly singlet fission for solar cell applications
Towards new more efficient solar cell materials
Mot bättre behandlingar för malignt melanom i hud och ögon
Photon Fission & Fusion: Beyond the Limits of Conventional Solar Energy Technologies
Design and synthesis of molecular architectures with tailord excited state deactivation channels