Jian Zhang

Postdoc at Systems and Synthetic Biology

Jian Zhang is a postdoc fellow working with Prof. Ivan Mijakovic at Division of Systems and Synthetic Biology since September 2021. His research is related to graphene and two-dimensional nanomaterials antibacterial coatings for biomedical and industrial applications. The main goal of his current project is to develop antifouling and antibacterial nanocomposites and coatings used in the biomedical field.

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 23 publications


Bimetallic Sulfides with Vacancy Modulation Exhibit Enhanced Electrochemical Performance

Jiawei Guo, Hongbo Zhao, Zhongwei Yang et al
Advanced Functional Materials. Vol. 34 (28)
Journal article

Novel Antifouling Coatings by Zwitterionic Silica Grafting on Glass Substrates

Jian Zhang, Lamiaa M. A. Ali, Denis Durand et al
Langmuir. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Research progress in the application of MXene in bacterial detection and eradication

Lin Liu, Zhongwei Yang, Jian Zhang et al
Materials Today Physics. Vol. 43
Review article

Antibacterial applications of biologically synthesized Pichia pastoris silver nanoparticles

Pragati Rajendra More, Surbhi Shinde, Zhejian Cao et al
Heliyon. Vol. 10 (4)
Journal article

Nanozyme-Enhanced Electrochemical Biosensors: Mechanisms and Applications

Zhongwei Yang, Jia Wei Guo, Longwei Wang et al
Small. Vol. 20 (14)
Review article

Recent Development of Copper-Based Nanozymes for Biomedical Applications

Xin Yu, Yawen Wang, Jian Zhang et al
Advanced healthcare materials. Vol. 13 (1)
Review article

Nanozymes regulated by nitrogen element: Mechanism, design, and application

Long Hua Ding, Longwei Wang, Jian Zhang et al
Advanced Powder Materials. Vol. 3 (4)
Review article

Polydopamine Modified Carbon Nitride and PAMAM Assembled Electrochemical Immunosensor for Detection of Indole-3-Acetic Acid

Jian Zhang, Aixue Li, Xin Yu et al
ChemElectroChem. Vol. 11 (11)
Journal article

Recent progress on Sn<inf>3</inf>O<inf>4</inf> nanomaterials for photocatalytic applications

Xin Yu, Congcong Li, Jian Zhang et al
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials. Vol. 31 (2), p. 231-244
Review article

Polymyxin B complexation enhances the antimicrobial potential of graphene oxide

Santosh Pandit, Lucas Jacquemin, Jian Zhang et al
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology. Vol. 13
Journal article

Biomimetic Antibacterial Gelatin Hydrogels with Multifunctional Properties for Biomedical Applications

Hengzhi Ruan, Marko Bek, Santosh Pandit et al
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Vol. 15 (47), p. 54249-54249–54265
Journal article

Application of bismuth sulfide based nanomaterials in cancer diagnosis and treatment

Zhongwei Yang, Longwei Wang, Jian Zhang et al
Nano Today. Vol. 49
Review article

Application of bismuth sulfide based nanomaterials in cancer diagnosis and treatment

Zhongwei Yang, Longwei Wang, Jian Zhang et al
Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin. Vol. 68 (16), p. 2101-2115
Journal article

Construction of S-N-C bond for boosting bacteria-killing by synergistic effect of photocatalysis and nanozyme

Longwei Wang, Zhongwei Yang, Guoxin Song et al
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. Vol. 325
Journal article

Regulation of functional groups enable the metal-free PDINH/GO advisable antibacterial photocatalytic therapy

Longwei Wang, Xiaowen Tang, Zhongwei Yang et al
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 451
Journal article

A Molybdenum Disulfide Nanozyme with Charge-Enhanced Activity for Ultrasound-Mediated Cascade-Catalytic Tumor Ferroptosis

Longwei Wang, Xiaodi Zhang, Zhen You et al
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. Vol. 62 (11)
Journal article

2D Co metal-organic framework nanosheet as an oxidase-like nanozyme for sensitive biomolecule monitoring

Jia Wei Guo, Zhongwei Yang, Xiu Li Liu et al
Rare Metals. Vol. 42 (3), p. 797-805
Other text in scientific journal

Application of Biomass-Based Nanomaterials in Energy

Zhongwei Yang, Xiaoyu Zhang, Jian Zhang et al
Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research. Vol. 4 (12)
Review article

Antibiotic-Loaded Boron Nitride Nanoconjugate with Strong Performance against Planktonic Bacteria and Biofilms

Jian Zhang, Nisha Neupane, Puspa Raj Dahal et al
ACS Applied Bio Materials. Vol. 6 (8), p. 3131-3142
Journal article

Piezoelectric Effect Modulates Nanozyme Activity: Underlying Mechanism and Practical Application

Xin Yu, Longwei Wang, Zhiling Zhu et al
Small. Vol. 19 (52)
Review article

Surface Reconstruction on Uniform Cu Nanodisks Boosted Electrochemical Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia

Keming Wu, Congcong Sun, Zhenni Wang et al
ACS Materials Letters. Vol. 4, p. 650-656
Journal article

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