Jinhua Sun
Jinhua Sun's research focuses on the development of multifunctional materials (e.g., graphene, MXene, polymer, metal) for various applications for example batteries (Li, Na, Al ions battery, and aqueous rechargeable battery), supercapacitors, sensors, gas barriers, anti-corrosion, and tribology. He is also interested in using different characterization methods (e.g., in situ/operando) to understand the working (e.g., energy storage) mechanism of the studied materials. Moreover, he is working on the development of new battery manufacturing technologies by collaborating with industrial partners.

Showing 27 publications
Engineered 2D MXene-based materials for advanced supercapacitors and micro-supercapacitors
Challenges and opportunities to advance manufacturing research for sustainable battery life cycles
Swelling of Ti3C2Tx MXene in Water and Methanol at Extreme Pressure Conditions
Controllable Coating Graphene Oxide and Silanes on Cu Particles as Dual Protection for Anticorrosion
Microsupercapacitors Working at 250 °C
Recent Advances in Polymer-Based Photothermal Materials for Biological Applications
Covalent Organic Framework (COF-1) under High Pressure
Swollen Structures of Brodie Graphite Oxide as Solid Solvates
Thermally reduced pillared GO with precisely defined slit pore size
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Showing 19 research projects
Construction of nanoreactors for confined synthesis of new materials
Aluminum Foil coating with Graphene as Current Collector of LiFePO4 Cathode in Lithium-ion Battery
Graphene image analysis and artificial intelligence model development
Advancing mobility through sustainable, robust and innovative Battery Technology
Innovative battery management integration for electrical vehicles
Atomic Layer-coated Graphene Electrode-based Micro-flexible and Structural Supercapacitors (ARMS)
Confined bio-based renewable materials for sustainable aqueous rechargeable batteries (CLEANBATT)
Evaluation of methods for measuring graphene in air
SweBIC - create research- and technology infrastructure for battery manufacturing scaleup
GAIA - Graphene application in industrial facility
GAIA - Graphene Application in Industrial Scale
Vertical Graphene for Aluminium-Ion Batteries
Multifunctional 2D nanomaterials boost the development of next-generation batteries
Graphene Core Project 3 (Graphene Flagship)
2D composites research at Chalmers