Fredrik Lind

Showing 49 publications


Magnetic properties of ilmenite used for oxygen carrier aided combustion

Robin Faust, Ignacio Lamarca, Andreas Schaefer et al
Fuel. Vol. 340
Journal article

A material degradation study of novel FeCrAl alloys, stainless steels and nickel base alloy in fluidized bed heat exchangers of a waste-fired CFB boiler

Hampus Lindmark, Julien Phother Simon, Maria Dolores Paz Olausson et al
Fuel. Vol. 338
Journal article

Monitoring of bed material in a biomass fluidized bed boiler using an electronic tongue

Tomas Leffler, M. Eriksson, Bo G Leckner et al
Fuel. Vol. 340
Journal article

Magnetic Properties of Ilmenite used for Oxygen Carrier Aided Combustion

Robin Faust, Ignacio Lamarca, Andreas Schaefer et al
Other conference contribution

Sulfur capture and release by ilmenite used as oxygen carrier in biomass combustor

Mariane Vigoureux, Tomas Leffler, Pavleta Knutsson et al
Fuel. Vol. 309
Journal article

Measurement of bed-to-tube surface heat transfer coefficient to a vertically immersed u-tube in bubbling loop seal of a CFB boiler

Viktor Stenberg, Fredrik Lind, Magnus Rydén
Powder Technology. Vol. 381, p. 652-664
Journal article

Oxygen Carrier Aided Combustion in Fluidized Bed Boilers in Sweden - Review and Future Outlook with Respect to Affordable Bed Materials

Felicia Eliasson Störner, Fredrik Lind, Magnus Rydén
Applied Sciences (Switzerland). Vol. 11 (17)
Review article

Combined measurement techniques for fast detection of alkali release in fluidized bed combustion

Tomas Leffler, Fredrik Lind, Jesper Liske et al
CFB 2021 - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology, p. 339-344
Paper in proceeding

Combustion of municipal solid waste in fluidized bed or on grate – A comparison

Bo G Leckner, Fredrik Lind
Waste Management. Vol. 109, p. 94-108
Review article

Sulfur Uptake during Oxygen-Carrier-Aided Combustion with Ilmenite

Mariane Vigoureux, Pavleta Knutsson, Fredrik Lind
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 34 (6), p. 7735-7742
Journal article

A Scale-Up Project for Operating a 115 MWth Biomass-Fired CFB boiler with Oxygen Carriers as Bed Material

Patrick Moldenhauer, Angelica Gyllén, Henrik Thunman et al
Other conference contribution

Comparing the structural development of sand and rock ilmenite during long-term exposure in a biomass fired 12 MWth CFB-boiler

Angelica Corcoran, Pavleta Knutsson, Fredrik Lind et al
Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 171, p. 39-44
Journal article

Biomass ash interactions with a manganese ore used as oxygen-carrying bed material in a 12 MWth CFB boiler

Malin Hanning, Angelica Gyllén, Fredrik Lind et al
Biomass and Bioenergy. Vol. 119, p. 179-190
Journal article

Oxygen Carrier Aided Combustion (OCAC) of Wood Chips in a 12 MWth Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Using Steel Converter Slag as Bed Material

Magnus Rydén, Malin Hanning, Fredrik Lind
Applied Sciences (Switzerland). Vol. 8 (12)
Journal article

Mechanism for Migration and Layer Growth of Biomass Ash on Ilmenite Used for Oxygen Carrier Aided Combustion

Angelica Corcoran, Pavleta Knutsson, Fredrik Lind et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 32 (8), p. 8845-8856
Journal article

Experience of more than 1000 h of operation with oxygen carriers and solid biomass at large scale

Teresa Berdugo Vilches, Fredrik Lind, Magnus Rydén et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 190, p. 1174-1183
Journal article

Validation of the oxygen buffering ability of bed materials used for OCAC in a large scale CFB boiler

Fredrik Lind, Angelica Corcoran, Henrik Thunman
Powder Technology. Vol. 316, p. 462-468
Journal article

12,000 Hours of Operation with Oxygen-Carriers in Industrially Relevant Scale (75,000 kWth).

Fredrik Lind, Angelica Corcoran, Bengt-Åke Andersson et al
VGB PowerTech
Journal article

Comparing the structural development of sand and rock ilmenite during long-term exposure in a biomass fired 12 mW<inf>th</inf>CFB-boiler

Angelica Gyllén, Pavleta Knutsson, Fredrik Lind et al
12th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology, CFB 2017, p. 817-823
Paper in proceeding

Selective oxidation processes for ultra-efficient fuel and waste conversion, materials recycling, gas synthesis and processing.

Fredrik Lind, Klas Andersson, Henrik Thunman et al
Clearwater clean energy conference 2017, Florida
Paper in proceeding

Oxygen Carrier Aided Combustion (OCAC) of Wood Chips in a Semi-Commercial Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Using Manganese Ore as Bed Material

Magnus Rydén, Malin Hanning, Angelica Corcoran et al
Applied Sciences (Switzerland). Vol. 6 (11), p. 1-19
Journal article

Using a manganese ore as catalyst for upgrading biomass derived gas

Jelena Maric, Nicolas Berguerand, Fredrik Lind et al
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. Vol. 5 (1), p. 75-83
Journal article

Improved Performance in Fluidised Bed Combustion by the Use of Manganese Ore as Active Bed Material

Malin Hanning, Magnus Rydén, Fredrik Lind
22nd International Conference on Fluidized Bed Conversion, 14-17 June 2015, Turku
Paper in proceeding

Ash Properties of Ilmenite Used as Bed Material for Combustion of Biomass in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

Angelica Corcoran, Jelena Maric, Fredrik Lind et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 28 (12), p. 7672-7679
Journal article

Hur kan effektivitet mätas i ett bioraffinaderi?

Fredrik Lind, Stefan Heyne, Filip Johnsson
Perspektiv på förädling av bioråvara 2014, p. 22-23
Book chapter

Using Ilmenite To Reduce the Tar Yield in a Dual Fluidized Bed Gasification System

Anton Larsson, Mikael Israelsson, Fredrik Lind et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 28 (4), p. 2632-2644
Journal article

Using a manganese ore as catalyst for upgrading biomass derived gas

Jelena Maric, Nicolas Berguerand, Fredrik Lind et al
International Conference on Polygeneration Strategies, Wien
Paper in proceeding

Ilmenite and Nickel as Catalysts for Upgrading of Raw Gas Derived from Biomass Gasification

Fredrik Lind, Nicolas Berguerand, Martin Seemann et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 27 (2), p. 997-1007
Journal article

Using an oxygen-carrier as bed material for combustion of biomass in a 12-MWth circulating fluidized-bed boiler

Henrik Thunman, Fredrik Lind, Claes Breitholtz et al
Fuel. Vol. 113, p. 300-309
Journal article

Hydrogen from Biomass Gasification for Utilization in Oil Refineries

Alberto Alamia, Henrik Thunman, Fredrik Lind

Manganese oxide as catalyst for tar cleaning of biomass-derived gas

Fredrik Lind, Mikael Israelsson, Martin Seemann et al
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. Vol. 2 (2), p. 133 - 140
Journal article

Comparing three materials for secondary catalytic tar reforming of biomass derived gas

Fredrik Lind, Nicolas Berguerand, Martin Seemann et al
244th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition
Other conference contribution

What is the efficiency of a biorefinery?

Fredrik Lind, Stefan Heyne, Filip Johnsson
Systems Perspectives on Biorefineries 2012, p. 59-71
Book chapter

Producer Gas Cleaning in a Dual Fluidized Bed - a Comparative Study of Performance with Ilmenite and a Manganese Oxide as Catalysts

Nicolas Berguerand, Fredrik Lind, Martin Seemann
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. Vol. 2 (3), p. 8-252
Journal article

Use of Nickel Oxide as a Catalyst for Tar Elimination in a Chemical-Looping Reforming Reactor Operated with Biomass Producer Gas

Nicolas Berguerand, Fredrik Lind, Mikael Israelsson et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 51 (51), p. 16610-16616
Journal article

Dual fluidized bed system for sulphur removal from biomass derived product gas

Martin Seemann, Fredrik Lind, Henrik Thunman
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants
Paper in proceeding

On-line monitoring of fuel moisture-content in biomass-fired furnaces by measuring relative humidity of the flue gases

Sven Hermansson, Fredrik Lind, Henrik Thunman
Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Vol. 89 (11), p. 2470-2476
Journal article

Continuous Catalytic Tar Reforming of Biomass Derived Gas with Simultaneous Catalyst Regeneration

Fredrik Lind, Martin Seemann, Henrik Thunman
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 50 (20), p. 11553-11562
Journal article

Producer Gas Cleaning in a Dual Fluidized Bed Reformer using Two Catalysts

Nicolas Berguerand, Fredrik Lind, Martin Seemann et al
Compendium of the International Conference on Polygeneration Strategies11, p. 9-
Paper in proceeding

Dual Fluidised Bed for Catalytic Cleaning of Biomass Gas

Fredrik Lind, Martin Seemann, Henrik Thunman
The 60th IEA-FBC Technical Meeting, at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg Sweden 3 - 4 May
Other conference contribution

Evaluation of Fluid Dynamics In a Hot and a Cold System of Interconnecting Fluidised Beds

Fredrik Lind, Martin Seemann, Henrik Thunman
13th International Conference on Fluidization
Paper in proceeding

Tar Cleaning with Chemical Looping Reforming

Henrik Thunman, Martin Seemann, Fredrik Lind
Gasification 2010 - Feedstock, Pretreatment and Bed Material
Other conference contribution

Evaluation of fluid dynamics in a hot and a cold system of interconnecting fluidised beds

Fredrik Lind, Martin Seemann, Henrik Thunman
Joint Meeting of the Scandinavian-Nordic and French section of the Combustion Institute, Copenhagen, 9-10 November
Other conference contribution

Creating a model to facilitate the allocation of materials planning resources in engineering change situations

Carl Wänström, Fredrik Lind, Oskar Wintertidh
International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 44 (18-19), p. 3775-3796
Journal article

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Showing 4 research projects


Transformation of existing power plants – a paradigm shift towards higher plant efficiencies and full fuel flexibility

Pavleta Knutsson Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 1
Jesper Liske Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 1
Fredrik Lind Energy Technology
Fang Liu Materials and manufacture


Oxygen Carrier Aided Combustion for more efficient fuel conversion in FB plants with simultaneous recovery of alkali compounds

Fredrik Lind Energy Technology
Swedish Energy Agency

3 publications exist

More efficient combustion of heterogeneous biomass mixtures in fluidized beds (B6)

Fredrik Lind Energy Technology
Eon SE

1 publication exists

International collaboration for the development of a two-step selective oxidation process

Fredrik Lind Energy Technology
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists
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