Fredrik Lind
Showing 49 publications
Magnetic properties of ilmenite used for oxygen carrier aided combustion
Monitoring of bed material in a biomass fluidized bed boiler using an electronic tongue
Magnetic Properties of Ilmenite used for Oxygen Carrier Aided Combustion
Sulfur capture and release by ilmenite used as oxygen carrier in biomass combustor
Combined measurement techniques for fast detection of alkali release in fluidized bed combustion
Combustion of municipal solid waste in fluidized bed or on grate – A comparison
Sulfur Uptake during Oxygen-Carrier-Aided Combustion with Ilmenite
Experience of more than 1000 h of operation with oxygen carriers and solid biomass at large scale
12,000 Hours of Operation with Oxygen-Carriers in Industrially Relevant Scale (75,000 kWth).
Using a manganese ore as catalyst for upgrading biomass derived gas
Improved Performance in Fluidised Bed Combustion by the Use of Manganese Ore as Active Bed Material
Hur kan effektivitet mätas i ett bioraffinaderi?
Using Ilmenite To Reduce the Tar Yield in a Dual Fluidized Bed Gasification System
Using a manganese ore as catalyst for upgrading biomass derived gas
Design and Operation of a Chemical-Looping Reformer for Catalytic Upgrading of Biomass-Derived Gas
Ilmenite and Nickel as Catalysts for Upgrading of Raw Gas Derived from Biomass Gasification
Hydrogen from Biomass Gasification for Utilization in Oil Refineries
Manganese oxide as catalyst for tar cleaning of biomass-derived gas
Comparing three materials for secondary catalytic tar reforming of biomass derived gas
What is the efficiency of a biorefinery?
Catalytic tar cleaning of biomass-derived gas with simultaneous catalyst regeneration
Dual fluidized bed system for sulphur removal from biomass derived product gas
Continuous Catalytic Tar Reforming of Biomass Derived Gas with Simultaneous Catalyst Regeneration
Producer Gas Cleaning in a Dual Fluidized Bed Reformer using Two Catalysts
Dual Fluidised Bed for Catalytic Cleaning of Biomass Gas
Evaluation of Fluid Dynamics In a Hot and a Cold System of Interconnecting Fluidised Beds
Tar Cleaning with Chemical Looping Reforming
Evaluation of fluid dynamics in a hot and a cold system of interconnecting fluidised beds
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Showing 4 research projects
More efficient combustion of heterogeneous biomass mixtures in fluidized beds (B6)
International collaboration for the development of a two-step selective oxidation process