Kamran Keykhosravi
Showing 29 publications
RIS-Enabled and Access-Point-Free Simultaneous Radio Localization and Mapping
Constrained RIS Phase Profile Optimization and Time Sharing for Near-field Localization
RIS-Enabled SISO Localization under User Mobility and Spatial-Wideband Effects
Data preprocessing for machine-learning-based adaptive data center transmission
RIS-Enabled Self-Localization: Leveraging Controllable Reflections With Zero Access Points
Arbitrary Beam Pattern Approximation via RISs with Measured Element Responses
Beyond 5G RIS mmWave Systems: Where Communication and Localization Meet
Bi-Static Sensing for Near-Field RIS Localization
RIS-Enabled Localization Continuity Under Near-Field Conditions
Semi-Passive 3D Positioning of Multiple RIS-Enabled Users
SISO RIS-Enabled Joint 3D Downlink Localization and Synchronization
Near-field Localization with a Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Acting as Lens
When to Use Optical Amplification in Noncoherent Transmission: An Information-Theoretic Approach
Channel allocation in elastic optical networks using traveling salesman problem algorithms
Overcoming the Switching Bottlenecks in Wavelength-Routing, Multicast-Enabled Architectures
How to Increase the Achievable Information Rate by Per-Channel Dispersion Compensation
Accuracy Assessment of Nondispersive Optical Perturbative Models through Capacity Analysis
Capacity Analysis and Receiver Design in the Presence of Fiber Nonlinearity
Wavelength Reuse for Scalable Multicasting: A Cross-Layer Perspective
A Low-Complexity Near-Optimal Detector for Multispan Zero-Dispersion Fiber-Optic Channels
Scalable Interconnection Scheme for Data Center Multicast Applications
Demodulation and Detection Schemes for a Memoryless Optical WDM Channel
Multicast scheduling of wavelength-tunable, multiqueue optical data center switches
A Novel Demodulation Scheme for a Memoryless Optical Interference Channel
A Tighter Upper Bound on the Capacity of the Nondispersive Optical Fiber Channel
Multicast Scheduling for Optical Data Center Switches with Tunability Constraints
Optical Circuit Granularity Impact in TCP-Dominant Hybrid Data Center Networks
Influence of Fiber Nonlinearity on the Capacity of Optical Channel Models
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Showing 2 research projects
Reconfigurable Intelligent Sustainable Environments for 6G Wireless Networks
Optical Fiber Interference is Not Noise