Klara Insulander Björk

Showing 35 publications


Effect of energetic ions on edge-localized modes in tokamak plasmas

J.J. Domínguez-Palacios Durán, S. Futatani, M. Garcia-Munoz et al
Nature Physics. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Overview of ASDEX upgrade results in view of ITER and DEMO

H. Zohm, E. Alessi, C. Angioni et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 64 (11)
Journal article

Observation of magnetic islands in tokamak plasmas during the suppression of edge-localized modes

M. Willensdorfer, V. Mitterauer, M. Hoelzl et al
Nature Physics. Vol. 20 (12), p. 1980-1988
Journal article

A control oriented strategy of disruption prediction to avoid the configuration collapse of tokamak reactors

A. Murari, Riccardo Rossi, Teddy Craciunescu et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 15 (1)
Journal article

Experimental determination of concentration factors of Mn, Zn and I in the phytoplankton species Phaeodactylum Tricornutum

Klara Insulander Björk, R. Thomas, Stellan Holgersson et al
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. Vol. 261
Journal article

Experimental determination of concentration factors of Ni, Ru and Sb in the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum

Y. Ali, R. Thomas, Stellan Holgersson et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 13 (1)
Journal article

Overview of the TCV tokamak experimental programme

H. Reimerdes, M. Agostini, E. Alessi et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 62 (4)
Journal article

Disruption prediction with artificial intelligence techniques in tokamak plasmas

J. Vega, A. Murari, S. Dormido-Canto et al
Nature Physics. Vol. 18 (7), p. 741-750
Review article

Effect of the thorium oxide content on the leaching of a mixed thorium-uranium oxide fuel

Klara Insulander Björk, Stellan Holgersson, Mattias Thuvander et al
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. 331 (7), p. 2849-2857
Journal article

Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development

U. Stroth, D. Aguiam, E. Alessi et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 62 (4)
Journal article

Overview of JET results for optimising ITER operation

J. Mailloux, N. Abid, K. Abraham et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 62 (4)
Review article

Enhanced performance in fusion plasmas through turbulence suppression by megaelectronvolt ions

J. Garcia, Ye. O. Kazakov, J. Ongena et al
Nature Physics. Vol. 18 (7), p. 776-782
Journal article

Modelling of runaway electron dynamics during argon-induced disruptions in ASDEX Upgrade and JET

Klara Insulander Björk, Oskar Vallhagen, Gergely Papp et al
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Vol. 63 (8)
Journal article

Kinetic modelling of runaway electron generation in argon-induced disruptions in ASDEX Upgrade

Klara Insulander Björk, G. Papp, Ola Embréus et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 86 (4)
Journal article

Scoping Studies of Dopants for Stabilization of Uranium Nitride Fuel

Klara Insulander Björk, Aneta Herman, Marcus Hedberg et al
Nuclear Science and Engineering. Vol. 193 (11), p. 1255-1264
Journal article

Irradiation testing of enhanced uranium oxide fuels

Klara L Insulander Björk, J. F. Kelly, C. Vitanza et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 125, p. 99-106
Journal article

Thorium as an additive for improved neutronic properties in boiling water reactor fuel

Klara L Insulander Björk, Christer Netterbrant
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 113, p. 470-475
Journal article

Commercial thorium fuel manufacture and irradiation: Testing (Th,Pu)O-2 and (Th,U)O-2 in the "Seven-Thirty" program

Klara L Insulander Björk, S. S. Drera, J. F. Kelly et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 75, p. 79-86
Journal article

Thermal-mechanical performance modeling of thorium-plutonium oxide fuel and comparison with on-line irradiation data

Klara L Insulander Björk, L. Kekkonen
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 467, p. 876-885
Journal article

Thorium fuel production and results from beginning of life irradiation

S. S. Drera, Klara L Insulander Björk, J. F. Kelly
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 72, p. 5-10
Journal article

Conceptual study of axial offset fluctuations upon stepwise power changes in a thorium-plutonium core to improve load-following conditions

Cheuk Wah Lau, Victor Dykin, Henrik Nylén et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 72, p. 84-89
Journal article


Klara L Insulander Björk, patrik fredriksson
Proceedings of the International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2014
Paper in proceeding

Feasibility Study of 1/3 Thorium-Plutonium Mixed Oxide Core

Cheuk Wah Lau, Henrik Nylén, Klara L Insulander Björk et al
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. Vol. 2014 (Art. no. 709415)
Journal article

Irradiation of a Thorium-Plutonium Rodlet: Experiment and Benchmark Calculations

Klara L Insulander Björk, Siegfried Mittag, Rahim Nabbi et al
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 66, p. 73-79
Journal article

A BWR fuel assembly design for efficient use of plutonium in thorium–plutonium fuel

Klara L Insulander Björk
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 65, p. 56-63
Journal article

Study of Thorium-Plutonium Fuel for Possible Operating Cycle Extension in PWRs

Klara L Insulander Björk, Cheuk Wah Lau, H. Nylén et al
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. Vol. 2013
Journal article

Thorium-plutonium fuel for long operating cycles in PWRs - preliminary calculations

Klara L Insulander Björk
Proceedings of the Thorium and Rare Earths Conference
Other conference contribution

Comparison of thorium-based fuels with different fissile components in existing boiling water reactors

Klara L Insulander Björk, Valentin Fhager, Christophe Demaziere
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 53 (6), p. 618-625
Journal article

Comparison of thorium-based fuels with different fissile components in existing boiling water reactors

Klara L Insulander Björk, Valentin Fhager, Christophe Demaziere
Proc. Int. Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '09)
Paper in proceeding

Method for investigating the applicability of thorium-based fules in existing BWRs

Klara L Insulander Björk, Valentin Fhager, Christophe Demaziere
International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2009, ICAPP 2009; Shinjuku, Tokyo; Japan; 10 May 2009 through 14 May 2009. Vol. 3, p. 1974-1981
Paper in proceeding

Comparison of thorium-based fuels with different fissile components in existing boiling water reactors

Klara L Insulander Björk, Valentin Fhager, Christophe Demaziere
Proc. Advances in Nuclear Fuel Management IV (ANFM 2009)
Paper in proceeding

Comparison of thorium-based fuels with different fissile components in existing BWRs

Klara L Insulander Björk, Valentin Fhager, Christophe Demaziere
International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2009, ICAPP 2009; Shinjuku, Tokyo; Japan; 10 May 2009 through 14 May 2009. Vol. 3, p. 1982-1987
Paper in proceeding

Comparison of Thorium-Plutonium fuel and MOX fuel for PWRs

Klara L Insulander Björk, Valentin Fhager
Proceedings of Global 2009
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Running away and radiating (PLASMA)

Ola Embréus Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Linnea Hesslow Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Longqing Yi Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Lucas Unnerfelt Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Tünde Fülöp Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Klara Insulander Björk Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Albert Johansson Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Andréas Sundström Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Julien Ferri Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Oskar Vallhagen Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Mathias Hoppe Subatomic and Plasma Physics
European Commission (EC)

24 publications exist
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