Betül Kücüköz

Showing 18 publications
Defect-assisted reversible phase transition in mono- and few-layer ReS<sub>2</sub>
Self-Hybridized Vibrational-Mie Polaritons in Water Droplets
Quantum trapping and rotational self-alignment in triangular Casimir microcavities
Nanostructured Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Multilayers for Advanced Nanophotonics
Boosting Second-Harmonic Generation in Monolayer Rhenium Disulfide by Reversible Laser Patterning
Tunable self-assembled Casimir microcavities and polaritons
Ultrafast electron/energy transfer and intersystem crossing mechanisms in bodipy-porphyrin compounds
Electron transfer reactions in sub-porphyrin-naphthyldiimide dyads
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