Richard Lärkäng
Working within the area of complex analysis in several variables, in particular with singularitites and residue currents.

Showing 28 publications
An explicit isomorphism of different representations of the Ext functor using residue currents
Norm Estimates for the ∂¯ -Equation on a Non-reduced Space
Chern currents of coherent sheaves
Chern Forms of Hermitian Metrics with Analytic Singularities on Vector Bundles
Estimates for the ∂¯ -Equation on Canonical Surfaces
On a mixed Monge-Ampere operator for quasiplurisubharmonic functions with analytic singularities
A comparison formula for residue currents
The ∂¯ -equation on a non-reduced analytic space
Chern forms of singular metrics on vector bundles
Residue Currents and Fundamental Cycles
Koppelman Formulas on Affine Cones Over Smooth Projective Complete Intersections
Elementary construction of residue currents associated to Cohen-Macaulay ideals
Extending holomorphic maps from Stein manifolds into affine toric varieties
Koppelman formulas on the A_1-singularity
Residue currents with prescribed annihilator ideals on singular varieties
Computing residue currents of monomial ideals using comparison formulas
On the duality theorem on an analytic variety
Various approaches to products of residue currents
Residue currents with prescribed annihilator ideals on singular varieties
Residue currents associated with weakly holomorphic functions
Computing residue currents of monomial ideals using comparison formulas
Various approaches to products of residue currents
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