Liu Chen

Showing 9 publications


Reliability Investigation for Encapsulated Isotropic Conductive Adhesives Flip Chip Interconnection

Liu Chen, Zonghe Lai, Zhaonian Cheng et al
Journal of Electronic Packaging, Transactions of the ASME. Vol. 128 (3), p. 177-183
Journal article

Reliability Investigation for Encapsulated Isotropic Conductive Adhesives Flip Chip Interconnection

Liu Chen, Zonghe Lai, Zhaonian Cheng et al
Journal of Electronic Packaging. Vol. 3, p. pp343-349
Journal article

Reliability analysis of embedded chip technique with design of experiment methods

Xiuzhen Lu, Liu Chen, Zhaonian Cheng et al
2005 International Symposium on Electronics Materials and Packaging, p. pp43-49
Paper in proceeding

Environmental Assessment of Embedded chip manufacturing Technology

Anders Andrae, Liu Chen, K. Schischke et al
Proceedings of Electronics Goes Green 2004+, Sept. 6-8, Berlin, Germany, p. 913-918
Other conference contribution

Characterization of Substrate Materials for System-in-a-Package Applications

Liu Chen, Anders Andrae, Gang Zou et al
Journal of Electronics Packaging. Vol. 126 (2), p. 195-201
Journal article

Reliability Investigation for Encapsulated Isotropic Conductive Adhesives Flip Chip Interconnection

Liu Chen, Zonghe Lai, Zhaonian Cheng et al
Proceedings of The 6th IEEE CPMT International Symposium on High Density Packaging and Component Failure Anlaysis (HDP´04)
Paper in proceeding

Process Development and Reliability for System-in-a-Package Using Liquid Crystal Polymer Substrate

Liu Chen, Xingzhong Duo, Lirong Zheng et al
ECTC04, p. pp 24-28
Paper in proceeding

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