Magnus Blinge

Universitetslektor at Service Management and Logistics image

Showing 15 publications


Sustainable logistics and supply chain management: A holistic view through the lens of the wicked problem

Dawn M. Russell, David Swanson, Magnus Blinge
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research. Vol. 7 (1), p. 36-56
Journal article

The future of European rail freight transport and logistics

D. M. Z. Islam, Magnus Blinge
European Transport Research Review. Vol. 9 (1), p. Article no 11 -
Other text in scientific journal

Short Sea Shipping to a Shopping centre - an investigation into the conditions for freight transport by sea to Nordby shopping centre in Svinesund.

Elin Gerdin, Fredrik Hamnén, Hanna Hagström et al
PLANs Forsknings- och tillämpningskonferens 2017, Logistik – teori möter praktik, Chalmers den 25-26 oktober 2017
Other conference contribution

Kan ett köpcenter försörjas med Närsjöfart? En fallstudie med kartläggning av godsflöden till Torp köpcenter

Christian Finnsgård, Martin Svanberg, Magnus Blinge
Nationell konferens i Transportforskning, 18-19 oktober 2016, Lunds Universitet, Lund
Paper in proceeding

Trafikverket på kollisionskurs med klimatmålen

Magnus Blinge, Göran Finnveden, Mattias Höjer et al
Göteborgs Posten 2015-12-12
Magazine article

Policy Measures to Realise Green Corridors - A Stakeholders Perspective

Magnus Blinge
Research in Transportation Business and Management. Vol. 12, p. 55-62
Journal article

Assessing knowledge and awareness of the sustainable urban freight transport among Swedish local authority policy planners

Maria Lindholm, Magnus Blinge
Transport Policy. Vol. 32, p. 124-131
Journal article

Actions for more sustainable freight transport - a comparison between theory and practice

Vendela Santén, Magnus Blinge
World Conference Transport Research, Lisbon, July
Paper in proceeding

Inner-city Evening Distribution. An evaluation of timesaving potential and environmental impact from a pilot project

Magnus Blinge, Stig Franzén
Proceedings of the 19th Annual NOFOMA Conference, Reykjavik, 7.8 June, 2007
Paper in proceeding

Svensk etanolsatsning är ingen effektiv klimatpolitik

Thomas Sterner, Per Kågeson, Magnus Blinge et al
Göteborgs-Posten (2007-01-02)
Magazine article

Emissions from Road Vehicles Fuelled by Fischer-Tropsch Based Diesel and Gasoline

Magnus Blinge, Ulrik Larsen, Peter Lundorf et al
Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Alcohol Fuels, 2006, p. p. 1-13
Paper in proceeding

Air emissions from the fuel supply system of a Swedish CHP plant and the effects of stricter emission regulations

P.A. Hansson, B. Dahlin, Magnus Blinge
Biomass and Bioenergy. Vol. 24 (1), p. 59-68
Journal article

Life cycle assessment of the road transport sector

E. Eriksson, Magnus Blinge, G. Lövgren
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 189-190, p. 69-76
Journal article

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Showing 4 research projects


REACH – Real-time access management in intermodal freight transport system

Magnus Blinge Logistics & Transportation
Per-Olof Arnäs Logistics & Transportation
Stefan Jacobsson Logistics & Transportation
Gunnar Stefansson Logistics & Transportation
Logistik- och transport stiftelsen LTS

1 publication exists

Systemanalys av HCT-införande på väg

Magnus Blinge Logistics & Transportation


The Fifth Fuel - Energy Efficiency Through Effective Freight Transport in Sustainable Urban Areas

Arni Halldorsson Logistics & Transportation
Kenth Lumsden Logistics & Transportation
Magnus Blinge Logistics & Transportation
Jessica Wehner Logistics & Transportation
Swedish Energy Agency

2 publications exist

Ökad transporteffektivitet genom bättre utnyttjande av lastkapacitet

Magnus Blinge Logistics & Transportation
Dan Andersson Logistics & Transportation
Mats Johansson Logistics & Transportation
Vendela Santén Logistics & Transportation
Sara Rogerson Logistics & Transportation
Kristina Liljestrand Logistics & Transportation

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