Magnus Blinge
Showing 15 publications
The future of European rail freight transport and logistics
Trafikverket på kollisionskurs med klimatmålen
Policy Measures to Realise Green Corridors - A Stakeholders Perspective
Actions for more sustainable freight transport - a comparison between theory and practice
Svensk etanolsatsning är ingen effektiv klimatpolitik
Utvärdering av pilotprojekt med Kvällsdistribution i Stockholms innerstad (Östermalm) 2005-2006
Emissions from Road Vehicles Fuelled by Fischer-Tropsch Based Diesel and Gasoline
ELM: Environmental Assessment of Fuel Supply Systems for Vehicle Fleets
Life cycle assessment of the road transport sector
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Showing 4 research projects
REACH – Real-time access management in intermodal freight transport system
The Fifth Fuel - Energy Efficiency Through Effective Freight Transport in Sustainable Urban Areas
Ökad transporteffektivitet genom bättre utnyttjande av lastkapacitet