Mikael Coldrey
Showing 39 publications
Phase noise estimation in OFDM systems
Reconstruction of clipped signals
Shannon Capacity of LOS MIMO Channels with Uniform Circular Arrays
Quantized Uplink Massive MIMO Systems With Linear Receivers
Distributed Massive MIMO via all-Digital Radio Over Fiber
Finite Block-length Analysis of Large-but-finite MIMO Systems
Massive MU-MIMO-OFDM Downlink with One-Bit DACs and Linear Precoding
Aperiodic Switched Array for Line-of-Sight MIMO Backhauling
Hybrid beamforming in uplink massive MIMO systems in the presence of blockers
1-bit Massive MU-MIMO Precoding in VLSI
Downlink Performance of Regularized ZF in Massive MIMO Systems Subject to IQ Imbalance
On Out-of-Band Emissions of Quantized Precoding in Massive MU-MIMO-OFDM
Massive MIMO Systems with IQ Imbalance: Channel Estimation and Sum Rate Limits
Nonlinear 1-bit precoding for massive MU-MIMO with higher-order modulation
IQ Imbalance in Multiuser Systems: Channel Estimation and Compensation
Adaptive Multicell 3-D Beamforming in Multiantenna Cellular Networks
Massive MIMO with IQ Imbalance: Performance analysis and compensation
One-Bit Massive MIMO: Channel Estimation and High-Order Modulations
On the MIMO Capacity with Residual Transceiver Hardware Impairments
Impact of Residual Transmit RF Impairments on Training-Based MIMO Systems
Massive MIMO in Sparse Channels
Throughput optimization in MU-MIMO systems via exploiting bs antenna tilt
Efficient Channel Estimation Techniques for Amplify and Forward Relaying Systems
An Efficient Signaling for Multi-mode Transmission in Multi-user MIMO
Self-Interference Suppression in Full-Duplex MIMO Relays
Estimation and Performance Analysis of Wireless Multiple Antenna Communication Channels
Training-Based MIMO Systems: Part II - Improvements using a Variable Coding Rate Scheme
Training-Based MIMO Systems: Part I - Performance Comparison
Multiple-Antenna Channel Estimation Using Detected Symbol Information
Optimized Data Aided Training in MIMO Systems
Performance Evaluation of MIMO Communication Systems based Superimposed Pilots
Channel Estimation in Wireless Communication Systems Employing Multiple Antennas
A Capacity Comparison between Time-Multiplexed and Superimposed Pilots
On the use of beamforming for estimation of spatially distributed signals
Analysis of spectral-based localization of spatially distributed sources
Direction and Spread Estimation of Spatially Distributed Signals via the Power Azimuth Spectrum
Beamforming-based Estimators for Spatially Distributed Signals
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Showing 2 research projects
Distributed massive MIMO with low-precision components
Massive MIMO systems with low-resolution converters