Kathleen Murphy

Professor at Water Environment Technology

Kate Murphy is Associate professor in the Division of Water Environment Technology, research theme Hazards and risks for drinking water resources and treatment, at Chalmers.

Kate's research focuses on the interpretation of fluorescence from dissolved organic matter in natural waters and the application of fluorescence for distinguishing between water sources and detecting changes in water quality. Recent research projects relate to detecting changes in organic matter character during recycled and drinking water treatment, and tracing the geographical origin of ships’ ballast water. She has instigated several open-source projects aimed at improving the modelling and interpretation of natural organic matter fluorescence, including the MATLAB toolbox drEEM and the online database of fluorescence spectra OpenFluor.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Kathleen Murphy

Showing 36 publications


Direct Measurement of Organic Micropollutants in Water and Wastewater Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy

Lesly Paradina-Fernández, Urban Wuensch, R. Bro et al
ACS ES and T Water. Vol. 3 (12), p. 3905-3915
Journal article

Unified understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic controls of dissolved organic carbon reactivity in aquatic ecosystems

Martin Berggren, François Guillemette, Magdalena Bieroza et al
Ecology. Vol. 103 (9)
Journal article

DOM Molecular Weight Fractionation and Fluorescence Quantum Yield Assessment Using a Coupled In-Line SEC Optical Property System

Blair Hanson, Urban Wuensch, Shelby Buckley et al
ACS ES and T Water. Vol. 2 (12), p. 2491-2501
Journal article

Drinking water aromaticity and treatability is predicted by dissolved organic matter fluorescence

Marc Philibert, Simin Luo, Lavel Moussanas et al
Water Research. Vol. 220
Journal article

AbspectroscoPY, a Python toolbox for absorbance-based sensor data in water quality monitoring

C. Cascone, Kathleen Murphy, H. Markensten et al
Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology. Vol. 8 (4), p. 836-848
Journal article

Full-Scale Manipulation of the Empty Bed Contact Time to Optimize Dissolved Organic Matter Removal by Drinking Water Biofilters

Nashita Moona, Andrew Holmes, Urban J. Wunsch et al
ACS ES and T Water. Vol. 1 (5), p. 1117-1126
Journal article

A simple method to isolate fluorescence spectra from small dissolved organic matter datasets

Urban Wuensch, Kathleen Murphy
Water Research. Vol. 190
Journal article

Water quality changes during the first meter of managed aquifer recharge

Kristofer Hagg, Jing Li, Masoumeh Heibati et al
Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology. Vol. 7 (3), p. 562-572
Journal article

Evaluating the accuracy of two in-situ optical sensors to estimate DOC concentrations for drinking water production

Svenja Hoffmeister, Kathleen Murphy, Claudia Cascone et al
Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology. Vol. 6 (10), p. 2891-2901
Journal article

Fluorescence signatures of dissolved organic matter leached from microplastics: Polymers and additives

Y. K. Lee, Kathleen Murphy, Jin Hur
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 54 (19), p. 11905-11914
Journal article

staRdom: Versatile Software for Analyzing Spectroscopic Data of Dissolved Organic Matter in R

Mathias Pucher, Urban Wuensch, Gabriele Weigelhofer et al
Water. Vol. 11 (11), p. 2366-
Journal article

Temperature-dependent mechanisms of DOM removal by biological activated carbon filters

Nashita Moona, Urban Wuensch, Mia Bondelind et al
Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology. Vol. 5 (12), p. 2232-2241
Journal article

Emerging patterns in the global distribution of dissolved organic matter fluorescence

Urban Wuensch, Rasmus Bro, Colin A. Stedmon et al
Analytical Methods. Vol. 11 (7), p. 888-893
Journal article

Photochemistry Illuminates Ubiquitous Organic Matter Fluorescence Spectra

Kathleen Murphy, Stephen Andrew Timko, Michael Gonsior et al
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 52 (19), p. 11243-11250
Journal article

Quantifying the impact of solid-phase extraction on chromophoric dissolved organic matter composition

Urban Wuensch, Jana K. Geuer, Oliver J. Lechtenfeld et al
Marine Chemistry. Vol. 207, p. 33-41
Journal article

Organic matter fluorescence as a proxy for UV exposure dose in drinking water treatment

Masoumeh Heibati, Colin A. Stedmon, Olof Bergstedt et al
Other conference contribution

The Molecular Fingerprint of Fluorescent Natural Organic Matter Offers Insight into Biogeochemical Sources and Diagenetic State

Urban Wuensch, Evrim Acar, Boris P. Koch et al
Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 90 (24), p. 14188-14198
Journal article

Partial renewal of granular activated carbon filters for improved drinking water treatment

Nashita Moona, Kathleen Murphy, Mia Bondelind et al
Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology. Vol. 4 (4), p. 529-538
Journal article

Partial replenishment of biological activated carbon filters to improve natural organic matter removal

Nashita Moona, Kathleen Murphy, Mia Bondelind et al
Proceedings of IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2018
Paper in proceeding

The One-Sample PARAFAC Approach Reveals Molecular Size Distributions of Fluorescent Components in Dissolved Organic Matter

Urban Wuensch, Kathleen Murphy, C. A. Stedmon
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 51 (20), p. 11900-11908
Journal article

Assessment of drinking water quality at the tap using fluorescence spectroscopy.

Masoumeh Heibati, Colin A Stedmon, Karolina Stenroth et al
Water research. Vol. 125, p. 1-10
Journal article

Inflow rate-driven changes in the composition and dynamics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in a large drinking water lake

Yongqiang Zhou, Yunlin Zhang, Erik Jeppesen et al
Water Research. Vol. 100, p. 211-221
Journal article

Chemical assessment of ballast water exchange compliance: Implementation in North America and New Zealand

Monaca Noble, Gregory Ruiz, Kathleen Murphy
Frontiers in Marine Science. Vol. 3 (MAY)
Journal article

Fluorescence Quantum Yields of Natural Organic Matter and Organic Compounds: Implications for the Fluorescence-based Interpretation of Organic Matter Composition

Urban Wuensch, Kathleen Murphy, Colin A. Stedmon
Frontiers in Marine Science. Vol. 2 (November), p. 1-15
Journal article

Improving odour assessment in LCA - the odour footprint

Gregory Peters, Kathleen Murphy, AP Adamsen et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 19 (11), p. 1891-1900
Journal article

Non-methane volatile organic compounds predict odor emitted from five tunnel ventilated broiler sheds

Kathleen Murphy, G. Parcsi, R.M. Stuetz
Chemosphere. Vol. 95, p. 423-432
Journal article

Chapter 10. Chemometric analysis of organic matter fluorescence

Kathleen Murphy, R. Bro, C.A. Stedmon
Aquatic organic matter fluorescence, p. 339-376
Book chapter

OpenFluor- an online spectral library of auto-fluorescence by organic compounds in the environment

Kathleen Murphy, C. A. Stedmon, P. Wenig et al
Analytical Methods. Vol. 6 (3), p. 658-661
Journal article

Fluorescence spectroscopy and multi-way techniques. PARAFAC

Kathleen Murphy, C.A. Stedmon, D. Graeber et al
Analytical Methods. Vol. 5 (23), p. 6557-6566
Journal article

Inner filter correction of dissolved organic matter fluorescence

D.N. Kothawala, Kathleen Murphy, C.A. Stedmon et al
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. Vol. 11 (DEC), p. 616-630
Journal article

Exploring the limits of dissolved organic matter fluorescence for determining seawater sources and ballast water exchange on the US Pacific coast

Kathleen Murphy, J.R. Boehme, C.W. Brown et al
Journal of Marine Systems. Vol. 111-112, p. 157-166
Journal article

Characterizing odorous emissions using new software for identifying peaks in chemometric models of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry datasets

Kathleen Murphy, P. Wenig, G. Parcsi et al
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. Vol. 118, p. 41-50
Journal article

Evaluation of effluent organic matter fouling in ultrafiltration treatment using advanced organic characterisation techniques

R.K. Henderson, N. Subhi, A. Antony et al
Journal of Membrane Science. Vol. 382 (1-2), p. 50-59
Journal article

A note on determining the extent of the water Raman peak in fluorescence spectroscopy

Kathleen Murphy
Applied Spectroscopy. Vol. 65 (2), p. 233-236
Journal article

Organic matter fluorescence in municipal water recycling schemes: Toward a unified PARAFAC model

Kathleen Murphy, A.C. Hambly, S.P. Singh et al
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 45 (7), p. 2909-2916
Journal article

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Showing 10 research projects


A treatability sensor for water quality monitoring and treatment

Kathleen Murphy Water Environment Technology


A novel and scalable sensor for quantifying bioavailable carbon in drinking water

Kathleen Murphy Water Environment Technology
Åke och Greta Lissheds stiftelse
J. Gust. Richert stiftelse


Hidden carbon - a gap in urban water planning

Gregory Peters Environmental Systems Analysis
Kathleen Murphy Water Environment Technology


An optical sensor for reducing biocide dependence inchemical manufacturing

Kathleen Murphy Water Environment Technology


Benchmarking granulated active carbon treatment during drinking water production

Kathleen Murphy Water Environment Technology


Improved specificity for drinking water treatment monitoring

Kathleen Murphy Water Environment Technology

11 publications exist

Technical and behavioural change for a more sustainable textile life cycle

Gregory Peters Environmental Systems Analysis
Magdalena Svanström Environmental Systems Analysis
Erik Klint Environmental Systems Analysis
Kathleen Murphy Water Environment Technology

4 publications exist

Novel fluorescence-based indicators of drinking water disinfection

Kathleen Murphy Water Environment Technology
Masoumeh Heibati Water Environment Technology

1 publication exists
There might be more projects where Kathleen Murphy participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.