Nils Thylén

Part-time fixed-term teacher at Supply and Operations Management

Doctoral student at the Division of Supply and Operations Management, at the department of Technology Management and Economics

Image of Nils Thylén

Showing 8 publications


Requirements for the automated loading and unloading of autonomous trucks: an interoperability perspective

Nils Thylén, Jonas Flodén, Mats Johansson et al
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. Vol. 55 (11), p. 23-56
Journal article

Challenges in introducing automated guided vehicles in a production facility–interactions between human, technology, and organisation

Nils Thylén, Carl Wänström, Robin Hanson
International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 61 (22), p. 7809-7829
Journal article

Conditions for achieving high levels of automation in loading and unloading of autonomous trucks

Nils Thylén, Jonas Flodén, Mats Johansson et al
Other conference contribution

Production Across the Nordics

Christina Lee, Carlos Alberto Barrera Diaz, Zeyu Lin et al
Report - Produktion2030

Requirements Affecting the Design of Automated Guided Vehicle Systems

Nils Thylén, Robin Hanson, Mats Johansson
Other conference contribution

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Showing 1 research projects


FAKTA - Flexible Automation of Kitting Transport and Assembly

Patrik Fager Supply and Operations Management
Yasmeen Jaghbeer Supply and Operations Management
Nils Thylén Supply and Operations Management
Robin Hanson Supply and Operations Management
Mats Johansson Supply and Operations Management
Åsa Fasth Berglund Production Systems

7 publications exist
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