Nils Odebo Länk

Showing 21 publications


Circular dichroism mode splitting and bounds to its enhancement with cavity-plasmon-polaritons

Denis Baranov, Battulga Munkhbat, Nils Odebo Länk et al
Nanophotonics. Vol. 9 (2), p. 283-293
Journal article

Optical Tweezing and Photothermal Properties of Resonant Dielectric and Metallic Nanospheres

Nils Odebo Länk, Peter Johansson, Mikael Käll
ACS Photonics. Vol. 7 (9), p. 2405-2412
Journal article

Plasmonic versus All-Dielectric Nanoantennas for Refractometric Sensing: A Direct Comparison

Noemi Bosio, Hana Jungová, Nils Odebo Länk et al
ACS Photonics. Vol. 6 (6), p. 1556-1564
Journal article

Optical forces and the first Kerker condition

Nils Odebo Länk, P. Johansson, Mikael Käll
Optical Manipulation and Its Applications - Proceedings Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences Congress 2019 (BODA, BRAIN, NTM, OMA, OMP)
Paper in proceeding

Functional all-dielectric nanophotonic: from colloidal syntesis to transition metal dichalcogenides nanoantennas

Ruggero Verre, Nils Odebo Länk, Denis Baranov et al
International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, p. 1327-1328
Paper in proceeding

Electromagnetic Energy Distribution in Resonant Quasi Porous Silicon Nanostructures

Nils Odebo Länk, Mikael Käll, Tomasz Antosiewicz
ACS Photonics. Vol. 6 (7), p. 1706-1714
Journal article

Surface Interactions of Gold Nanoparticles Optically Trapped against an Interface

Daniel Andrén, Nils Odebo Länk, Hana Jungová et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 123 (26), p. 16406-16414
Journal article

Solar harvesting based on perfect absorbing all-dielectric nanoresonators on a mirror

Robin Vismara, Nils Odebo Länk, Ruggero Verre et al
Optics Express. Vol. 27 (16), p. A967-A980
Journal article

Antenna-Enhanced Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Resolves Calcium-Mediated Lipid-Lipid Interactions

Stephan Block, Srdjan Acimovic, Nils Odebo Länk et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 12 (4), p. 3272-3279
Journal article

Large-Scale Fabrication of Shaped High Index Dielectric Nanoparticles on a Substrate and in Solution

Ruggero Verre, Nils Odebo Länk, Daniel Andrén et al
Advanced Optical Materials. Vol. 6 (7)
Journal article

Photothermal DNA Release from Laser-Tweezed Individual Gold Nanomotors Driven by Photon Angular Momentum

Hana Sipova, Lei Shao, Nils Odebo Länk et al
ACS Photonics. Vol. 5 (6), p. 2168-2175
Journal article

Directional scattering and multipolar contributions to optical forces on silicon nanoparticles in focused laser beams

Nils Odebo Länk, P. Johansson, Mikael Käll
Optics Express. Vol. 26 (22), p. 29074-29085
Journal article

High index dielectric metasurfaces and colloidal solutions: From fabrication to application

Ruggero Verre, Nils Odebo Länk, Daniel Andrén et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1092
Paper in proceeding

Probing Photothermal Effects on Optically Trapped Gold Nanorods by Simultaneous Plasmon Spectroscopy and Brownian Dynamics Analysis

Daniel Andrén, Lei Shao, Nils Odebo Länk et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 11 (10), p. 10053-10061
Journal article

Metasurfaces and Colloidal Suspensions Composed of 3D Chiral Si Nanoresonators

Ruggero Verre, Lei Shao, Nils Odebo Länk et al
Advanced Materials. Vol. 29 (29)
Journal article

Thin-film amorphous silicon nanopillar solar cells: An investigation of the optical potential

R. Vismara, Nils Odebo Länk, Ruggero Verre et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F71-PV 2017
Paper in proceeding

Large-Scale Silicon Nanophotonic Metasurfaces with Polarization Independent Near-Perfect Absorption

Nils Odebo Länk, Ruggero Verre, Peter Johansson et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 17 (5), p. 3054-3060
Journal article

Directional Light Extinction and Emission in a Metasurface of Tilted Plasmonic Nanopillars

Ruggero Verre, Mikael Svedendahl, Nils Odebo Länk et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 16 (1), p. 98-104
Journal article

Polarization conversion-based molecular sensing using anisotropic plasmonic metasurfaces

Ruggero Verre, N. Maccaferri, K. Fleischer et al
Nanoscale. Vol. 8 (20), p. 10576-10581
Journal article

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