Ove Granstrand
I have served as a Professor in Industrial management and Economics for more than 35 years and is currently a PhD candidate in Applied Mathematics. With a background in Operations Research/Management Science I am particularly engaged in how mathematics, economics and engineering can cross-fertilize. My research concerns applications of game theory, especially cooperative game theory, Boolean function analysis and dynamic modelling of economic systems.

Showing 120 publications
A cooperative game theory systems approach to the value analysis of (innovation) ecosystems
Value capture in open innovation markets: the role of patent rights for innovation appropriation
Towards a Theory of Innovation Governance and the Role of IPRs
Innovation ecosystems: A conceptual review and a new definition
Evolving properties of intellectual capitalism: Patents and innovations for growth and welfare
Patenting motives, technology strategies, and open innovation
History of patenting and IP management: The case of Japan
The importance of patents for innovation appropriation and open financing – a new view
The challenge of closing open innovation: the intellectual property disassembly problem
Managing the intellectual property disassembly problem
The anatomy of rise and fall of patenting and propensity to patent: the case of Sweden
The 25% rule revisited and a new investment-based method for determining FRAND licensing royalties
The Economics of IP on the Context of Shifting Innovation Paradigm
Intellectual Property and Licensing Strategies in Open Collaborative Innovation
Patents and Policies for Innovations and Entrepreneurship
Innovation and Intellectual Property Cases: Cases in Management, Economics, Law, and Technology
Case Methodology - Techno-Economic Analysis of Innovation
Environmental Innovations and Economic Policy
Financing and Investing in Innovations
“Current” Economic, Legal and Technological Changes
Creativity and IP in Arts and Sciences – Some economic puzzles and paradoxes
Where is the IP Service Market Going?
Economics of Innovation and IP
Patents and Innovations for Growth and Welfare
An Introduction to EITIM – Fun & Fear in Academia
Prizes and Patents as RDID Incentives in Medicine and Technology
Creativity and IP in Arts and Sciences – Some economic puzzles and paradoxes
Innovation and IP Strategies for Technology and Business Development
Patentens roll för den (svenska) industriella utvecklingen – några exempel
Some Management Issues in Technology Collaboration
The Changing Innovation Opportunities and Challenges in a New IPR Regime
Some IP Management Issues in Open Co-innovation
Economics of the IP and its Strategic Implications
Patents and Innovations for macro- and micro-economic growth
Bringing Technology into the Boardroom and IP and Litigation into the R&D Lab
Patents, Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth – IP Policy Issues for Sweden and Europe
Patents and Innovations for Growth and Welfare – IP Policies for Europe
The Patent System and its Role 2007 and 2027 – A Global Future Outlook
The Medicine, Technology and Economics Convergence Agenda – Fostering Field Fusion
The Changing Roles of IPRs in Bio-Health Technologies
The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Biomedical Innovation
IP and Innovations in Creative Industries for Growth and Welfare in the Global Economy
Intellectual Asset Management - Managing Intellectual Property
Economic Value of IPR for Business
Intellectual property rights for governance in and of innovation systems
IP regimes related to open innovation
Intellectual Asset Management - Technology Strategies and Transactions
Balancing patents with economic development
Fair And Reasonable Royalty Rate Determination - When Is The 25% Rule Applicable?
The Economics and Management Of Technology Trade - towards a pro-licensing era?
Multi-Technology Management: The Economics and Management of Technology Diversification
From R&D/Technology Management to IP/IC Management
The Economics and Management of Intellectual Property Towards Intellectual Capitalism
Towards a theory of the technology-based firm
The evolution of corporate entrepreneurship in Swedish industry - was Schumpeter wrong?
The Race to European Eminence. Who are the coming Tele-Service Multinationals?
The Race to European Eminence: Who are the Coming Tele-Service Multinationals
Technology Management and International Business. Internationalization of R&D and Technology
External Technology Acquisition in Large Multi-Technology Corporations
Strategic options for national monopolies in transition. The case of Swedish Telecom
Investment Appraisals and Diffusion of New Communications Technology: The Case of Swedish Telecom
Managing Innovation in Multi-Technology Corporations
Strategic Options for National Monopolies in Transition: The Case of Swedish Telecom
Strategic technology management issues in Japanese manufacturing industry
Is there an evolution of the art and science of technology management
Technology Management in Multi-Technology Corporations. Some Swedish experiences
Measuring and Modelling Innovative New Entry in Swedish Industry
Technological Innovation and Industrial Development in Telecommunications
The Development of Technology Based Businesses. A study of venture development units
Incentives and Limits for Innovation and Technology Transfer the Case of Sweden
The Financing of New Technological Investments
R&D and Corporate Internationalization
Technological and Industrial Policy in China and Europe
R&D and Industrial Organization Structures
Technological Change, Subcultures and Conflicts
Technological Change and Subcultures in the Corporation
R&D and Corporate Policy making
Coordination of Multinational R&D
An Excursion into the Concept of Cognitive Entropy
Strategic Management of Industrial R&D
The Use of Topological Concepts in Planning and Organization Theory
Mathematical Programming Models for Investment Decisions
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