Patricia Lopez-Sanchez
Showing 31 publications
Oat protein in vitro digestion is not influenced by pectin in dispersion or gel systems
Shear and extensional rheological properties of whole grain rye and oat aqueous suspensions
Hierarchical propagation of structural features in protein nanomaterials
Impact of Glucose on the Nanostructure and Mechanical Properties of Calcium-Alginate Hydrogels
Rheological and structural characterization of carrageenan emulsion gels
Chapter 12: Food Structure Analysis Using Light and Confocal Microscopy
Alginate and HM-pectin in sports-drink give rise to intra-gastric gelation in-vivo
Nanorheological studies of xanthan/water solutions using magnetic nanoparticles
High sugar content impacts microstructure, mechanics and release of calcium-alginate gels
Diffusion of macromolecules in self-assembled cellulose/hemicellulose hydrogels
Structural design of natural plant based foods to promote nutritional quality
Rheological characterisation of plant food dispersions
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Showing 2 research projects
Tailored Carbohydrate Quality for Personalized Weight Management and Metabolic Health