Patricia Lopez-Sanchez

Showing 31 publications


Oat protein in vitro digestion is not influenced by pectin in dispersion or gel systems

Marina Marinea, Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, Diana Ortiz et al
Food Hydrocolloids. Vol. 163
Journal article

Effect of heating of pea fibres on their swelling, rheological properties and in vitro colon fermentation

Jakob Karlsson, Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, Tatiana Milena Marques et al
Food Hydrocolloids. Vol. 147
Journal article

Nanostructures of etherified arabinoxylans and the effect of arabinose content on material properties

Ratchawit Janewithayapun, M. S. Hedenqvist, Fabrice Cousin et al
Carbohydrate Polymers. Vol. 331
Journal article

Physico-chemical properties of pea fibre and pea protein blends and the implications for in vitro batch fermentation using human inoculum

Jakob Karlsson, Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, Tatiana Milena Marques et al
Food Hydrocolloids. Vol. 150
Journal article

Role of continuous phase and particle properties on the sensory perception of root vegetable purées evaluated by an expert panel and naïve consumers

Gonzalo Garrido-Bañuelos, Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, Mihaela Mihnea
Journal of Texture Studies. Vol. 54 (4), p. 532-540
Journal article

Shear and extensional rheological properties of whole grain rye and oat aqueous suspensions

Loredana Malafronte, Secil Yilmaz-Turan, Leyla Dahl et al
Food Hydrocolloids. Vol. 137
Journal article

Hierarchical propagation of structural features in protein nanomaterials

Ayaka Kamada, Anja Herneke, Patricia Lopez-Sanchez et al
Nanoscale. Vol. 14 (6), p. 2502-2510
Journal article

Impact of panelist's age on the ease of swallow and sensory perception of texture-modified broccoli purees

Mihaela Mihnea, Aarti B. Tobin, Patricia Lopez-Sanchez et al
Journal of Sensory Studies. Vol. 37 (6)
Journal article

Comparison of steaming and boiling of root vegetables for enhancing carbohydrate content and sensory profile

Johanna Andersson, Gonzalo Garrido-Bañuelos, Marion Bergdoll et al
Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 312
Journal article

Revealing the mechanisms of hydrogel formation by laccase crosslinking and regeneration of feruloylated arabinoxylan from wheat bran

Secil Yilmaz-Turan, Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, Amparo Jiménez-Quero et al
Food Hydrocolloids. Vol. 128
Journal article

Hydrogels with protective effects against cellular oxidative stress via enzymatic crosslinking of feruloylated arabinoxylan from corn fibre

Secil Yilmaz-Turan, Kun Jiang, Patricia Lopez-Sanchez et al
Green Chemistry. Vol. 24 (23), p. 9114-9127
Journal article

Impact of Glucose on the Nanostructure and Mechanical Properties of Calcium-Alginate Hydrogels

Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, Ali Assifaoui, Fabrice Cousin et al
Gels. Vol. 8 (2)
Journal article

Assessing the volatile composition of seaweed (Laminaria digitata) suspensions as function of thermal and mechanical treatments

Gonzalo Garrido-Bañuelos, Ana Miljkovic, Clément Morange et al
LWT - Food Science and Technology. Vol. 162
Journal article

Maximizing the oil content in polysaccharide-based emulsion gels for the development of tissue mimicking phantoms

Cynthia Fontes-Candia, Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, Anna Ström et al
Carbohydrate Polymers. Vol. 256
Journal article

Macroalgae suspensions prepared by physical treatments: Effect of polysaccharide composition and microstructure on the rheological properties

Loredana Malafronte, Secil Yilmaz-Turan, A. Krona et al
Food Hydrocolloids. Vol. 120
Journal article

Mixed legume systems of pea protein and unrefined lentil fraction: Textural properties and microstructure

Mathias Johansson, Epameinondas Xanthakis, Maud Langton et al
LWT - Food Science and Technology. Vol. 144
Journal article

Bolus rheology and ease of swallowing of particulated semi-solid foods as evaluated by an elderly panel

Aarti Ben Tobin, Mihaela Mihnea, Marie Hildenbrand et al
Food and Function. Vol. 11 (10), p. 8648-8658
Journal article

Advanced structural characterisation of agar-based hydrogels: Rheological and small angle scattering studies.

Marta Martinez-Sanz, Anna Ström, Patricia Lopez-Sanchez et al
Carbohydrate Polymers. Vol. 236
Journal article

Rheological and structural characterization of carrageenan emulsion gels

Cynthia Fontes-Candia, Anna Ström, Patricia Lopez-Sanchez et al
Algal Research. Vol. 47
Journal article

Chapter 12: Food Structure Analysis Using Light and Confocal Microscopy

C. Ohgren, Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, Niklas Lorén
Food Chemistry, Function and Analysis. Vol. 2020-January, p. 287-308
Book chapter

Alginate and HM-pectin in sports-drink give rise to intra-gastric gelation in-vivo

Luca Marciani, Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, Stefan Pettersson et al
Food and Function. Vol. 10 (12), p. 7892-7899
Journal article

Nanorheological studies of xanthan/water solutions using magnetic nanoparticles

Thana Sriviriyakul, Sara Bogren, Vincent Schaller et al
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Vol. 473, p. 268-271
Journal article

High sugar content impacts microstructure, mechanics and release of calcium-alginate gels

Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, Nils Fredriksson, Anette Larsson et al
Food Hydrocolloids. Vol. 84, p. 26-33
Journal article

Modelling the continuous relaxation time spectrum of aquous xanthan solutions using two commercial softwares

Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, Josefine Moser, Marco Berta et al
Annual Transactions - The Nordic Rheology Society. Vol. 26, p. 183-186
Paper in proceeding

Diffusion of macromolecules in self-assembled cellulose/hemicellulose hydrogels

Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, Erich Schuster, Dongjie Wang et al
Soft Matter. Vol. 11 (20), p. 4002-4010
Journal article

Structural design of natural plant based foods to promote nutritional quality

Sandra van Buggenhout, Lilia Ahrné, Marie Alminger et al
Trends in Food Science and Technology. Vol. 24 (1), p. 47-59
Other text in scientific journal

Effect of mechanical and thermal treatments on the microstructure and rheological properties of carrot, broccoli and tomato dispersions

Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, J Nijsse, HCG Blonk et al
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. Vol. 91 (2), p. 207-217
Journal article

High Pressure Homogenization Increases the In Vitro Bioaccessibility of α- and β-Carotene in Carrot Emulsions But Not of Lycopene in Tomato Emulsions

Cecilia Svelander, Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, P. D. Pudney et al
Journal of Food Science. Vol. 76 (9), p. H215-H225
Journal article

Rheology and microstructure of carrot and tomato emulsions as a result of high-pressure homogenization conditions

Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, Cecilia Svelander, L Bialek et al
Journal of Food Science. Vol. 76 (1), p. E130-E140
Journal article

Rheological characterisation of plant food dispersions

Patricia Lopez-Sanchez, S Schumm, Maud Langton et al
Annual Transactions - The Nordic Rheology Society. Vol. 17, p. 249-253
Journal article

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Showing 2 research projects


Nordic Rye Forum 2022-2023

Rikard Landberg Food and Nutrition Science
Patricia Lopez-Sanchez Food and Nutrition Science


Tailored Carbohydrate Quality for Personalized Weight Management and Metabolic Health

Rikard Landberg Food and Nutrition Science
Kia Noehr Iversen Food and Nutrition Science
Patricia Lopez-Sanchez Food and Nutrition Science
Adila Omar Food and Nutrition Science

1 publication exists
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